redramdriver 0 #1 July 20, 2008 If you as a T/I were to purchase your "own" tandem rig, not one provided to you by the DZ, which brand would you purchase and why? What Main/Reserve combo would you choose for an all around 1 Rig to have for yourself? Be Nice!So, you bring your beer? Its 5 o'clock somewhere POPS #9344 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablopilot 2 #2 July 20, 2008 Sigma container: I believe it to be the safest tandem container on the market today, between it's drogue retention/release system, and the SkyHook. Precision Tandem Reserve: Works well, and is more affordable than the competition. HOP330 or Precision/Icarus 330 main: The HOP is the single nicest opening Tandem Canopy I've jumped, and it flies well, much like an oversized Stiletto. I can fly one all day and not be worn out. The PA/Icarus 330 opens slightly less well, but has the advantage of no brake stowage, which I like for ease of gaining control, and reduction of things to pack wrong. It also flies like a dream. Edit: These days I'd go with the Vigil AAD, mostly for it's logging function.---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sid 1 #3 July 20, 2008 I did buy my own tandem system, I bought the Racer 2K3 tandem with their propriety reserve and a FireBolt 350 main. The only other main that I've jumped that compares is the Sigma main so if I had to replace the FireBolt I'd consider that as an option. NOTICE I SAID THAT "I've Jumped" - it came with a cypres that expires in 15 months and I'll be replacing that with a vigil for 2 functions (like JP said, logging is one) and the ability to switch it between Tandem/Student and solo status.Pete Draper, Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
inextremis 0 #4 July 20, 2008 I have a privately owned Sigma with a Sigma 370 main and the PD 360 reserve, Vigil. I could envision changing out the main for something else, but I'm not interested iin jumping anything but the Sigma harness and container. Got great service from UPT when they put in my Skyhook and magnets over the winter. I'm in the process of moving the Vigil to my little rig and replacing with a Cypres 2 Tandem (sent my C2 in for a four year last week and having it converted to Tandem). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivejeff 0 #5 July 20, 2008 Sigma container all the way. I also prefer to fly the sig 370 main and the 360 reserve. I am cypress guy though...turn it on and let her go to work. --If only I could afford the rig! Jefe Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouDiamond 1 #6 July 20, 2008 QuoteI did buy my own tandem system, I bought the Racer 2K3 tandem with their propriety reserve and a FireBolt 350 main. I did the same thing. Excellent set up that doesn't weigh a ton and won't wear you out. People have mistaken my Tandem rig for a student rig on occasion. Pictures can be seen HERE"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #7 July 21, 2008 I'd have a Sigma probably a micro sigma and an icarus 330 main. the sigma is by far the best and most comfortable system for the instructor and passenger. i would buy the icarus 330 main is great for openings, ease of packing and is not effected by turbulance so much. ity is good in No wind and in strong winds with both light ad heavy passengers. The icarus mains are much easier to make linesets for too. I have only used a sigma tandem reserve and it was fine. Havn't heard such good reports about the precision reserves though. Hops are good mains if you don't have much turbulance in your area but if you do, it is highly advisable that you don't get one of those. I'm tempted to sway away from airtec for AAD's these days as they seem to be more frequently in the incident reports but maybe that is due to the sheer amount of them on the market."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #8 July 21, 2008 Sigma system. Period. Canopy choice is canopy choice, that's personal preference, but Sigma is the way to go in terms of overall system.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydived19006 4 #9 July 21, 2008 I own 4 tandem rigs, but if I started over, I'd go with Sigma rigs. I own 4 Eclipse rigs, which are pretty much a cleaned up Vector 2. I like my Eclipse rigs for a lot of reasons, but the Sigma is undoubtedly simpler to "operate" when in emergency mode, and less apt to have any of those really nasty horse shoe malfunctions. If I only owned one tandem main, it would be a Precision 365, we have two 330s, but I'm 220, so the 330 limits student weight. Our rigs all have Precision 375s, which I hear are nice tandem reserves. To date I have 2000 +/- tandems and have yet to fly the 375. Just about any tandem rig on my back could be mistaken for a sport rig. Maybe it has something to do with the rig size to TI size ratio?Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else. AC DZ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jasonRose 0 #10 July 21, 2008 I'm new and have only jumped vectors and sigmas. I would buy a sigma if I was buying a rig. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bclark 0 #11 July 21, 2008 Sigma with an Icarus, baby! Nothing like the right tool for the job. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mpohl 1 #12 July 22, 2008 STRONG! No doubt about it; Ted's the guy. In my days, I was also Vector- and Sigma-rated. But a Strong w/ a HOP 330 was always my preferred "weapon of choice". QuoteIf you as a T/I were to purchase your "own" tandem rig, not one provided to you by the DZ, which brand would you purchase and why? What Main/Reserve combo would you choose for an all around 1 Rig to have for yourself? Be Nice! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slotperfect 7 #13 July 22, 2008 Based on what I have jumped thus far: -Vector II/PD360/PD421 -Vector II/PD360/EZ384 -Vector II/PD360/EZ425 -Sigma/PD360/Sigma370 -Sigma/PD360/Sigma395 -MicroSigma/PD360/Sigma340 -DualHawk/Master425/Master425 -DualHawk/Master425/SET400 -DualHawk/Master425/A2 I prefer the Sigma/PD360/Sigma 370. The Sigma 340 is more fun, but less practical - I am a large lad and tandems are all about getting my student down safely not my own entertainment. My landings are a little better (more standups) with the Sigma395 because of the lighter toggle pressure, but the fave is still the SIgma 370.Arrive Safely John Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouDiamond 1 #14 July 22, 2008 Quote I am a large lad You aint fat, you just be big boned."It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
feuergnom 29 #15 July 22, 2008 strong dual hawk, set 366 mainThe universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle dudeist skydiver # 666 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unstable 9 #16 July 22, 2008 I'm not a T/I Yet, but I've Inspected and packed reserves on all types of Tandem Rigs except the Eclipse. My choice would be the Racer Tandem system. To me, it just seems like the obvious Choice. I'm not saying that to blow smoke or because I'm a Racer Fan myself, but each version of Tandem rig just has it's own unique set of limiting factors. Dual Hawk - Rugged as hell. This would be my second choice. My only grievence is the limitations the company puts into effect. Only Cypres Approved, and nothing else goes in there but a SET. While I hear nothing but good things about the SET's openings, It's an canopy where the competition has surpassed it long ago. Sigma - Amazing system, but honestly, the limiting factor is the buy price. While I agree that it is the best designed system, I just don't see it worth the $ Racer Tandem - The only Major limiting factor I see here is people in this area who are Racer Certified.=========Shaun ========== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #17 July 22, 2008 QuoteI'm not a T/I Yet, but I've Inspected and packed reserves on all types of Tandem Rigs except the Eclipse. My choice would be the Racer Tandem system. To me, it just seems like the obvious Choice. I am Racer certified. I've jumped a Racer tandem. I would sooner give up my rating then ever jump one again. I would much rather be stuck on Vector IIs with EZ-384 mains then ever jump a Racer tandem ever again. Things like the location of the lower attachments on the rig, how the drogue is attached to those attachments and how that system works together is scary when compared to literally every other tandem rig on the market. You get what you pay for.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #18 July 22, 2008 Quotestrong dual hawk, set 366 main While I jump the strong system as it works well and is afe enough for its application, i cannot say the same for the set 366. the end cells close off when making turns and there is still no crossports in the canopy. i have talked with riggers about this and they all seem to agree that it is crazy not to have croosports on a canopy. I could stall the thing really easy and it opened like shit. If strong is to demand that consumers use their canopies in their system then they should spend some of the multi million$ they earn in the military sector on a decent tandem canopy becuse the Sets are shit."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouDiamond 1 #19 July 22, 2008 Did you jump a 2K3 tandem system or an older one?"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #20 July 22, 2008 Quote Did you jump a 2K3 tandem system or an older one? When did the 2K3 come out? I did the training and jumps in 2005 or 2006 with a factory rep after I had a tandem rating for a couple of years. The system I was jumping had the lower connectors between the main and reserve pack tray, they were connected to the drogue 3-ring system. So for one I could not reach the connections in the plane. I was told by the factory rep that it is a common problem and that he just gets someone in the plane to hook them up for him.Then due to the design with the drogue system, you could not get them very tight at all. The factory rep said that it wasn't a big deal and that the lowers would tighten up once the drogue was thrown. Sure, but how many side spins have you seen with the drogue out? Now if for some reason an instructor screws up and doesn't hook the lowers when he/she tosses the drogue, it would rip the lower connectors out of the rig and deploy the main, damaging the rig in the process. That's one "squared away" system.The factory rep is a great guy and very knowledgeable, but he was just stuck with a loser tandem system that has some serious safety concerns.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #21 July 22, 2008 QuoteQuotestrong dual hawk, set 366 main I could stall the thing really easy and it opened like shit. Huh? I used to stall the SET 400 on every jump just for fun. I have never succeeded in stalling the 366. Are you sure you are not talking about a SET 360? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouDiamond 1 #22 July 22, 2008 QuoteThe system I was jumping had the lower connectors between the main and reserve pack tray, they were connected to the drogue 3-ring system. So for one I could not reach the connections in the plane. They are a bit higher than other systems out there but I've never had a problem hooking up to them. They are different and that may play a part in why you did not like them. Once you are used to where they are, it's not an issue. You can ask Sid or Skyonkeyone for their input as they both own their own systems as well. QuoteThen due to the design with the drogue system, you could not get them very tight at all.The factory rep said that it wasn't a big deal and that the lowers would tighten up once the drogue was thrown. Sure, but how many side spins have you seen with the drogue out? Thats another "what you're used to" issue. You don't have to do the buddy crank down on the lower laterals on a Racer tandem. In fact, if you crank the shit out of them in the plane it will only make you more uncomfortable in freefall. Attach them, pull them both taught until there is good instructor to student contact and your golden. When they are adjusted correctly they are no more loose than any of the other tandem systems out there that have been cranked down on. However, when you do set Drouge the design of the system ensures they will not loosen until you're under a canopy. QuoteNow if for some reason an instructor screws up and doesn't hook the lowers when he/she tosses the drogue, it would rip the lower connectors out of the rig and deploy the main, damaging the rig in the process. No, thats not correct. The rings will pull out but they won't damage the rig, they simply will pull through. The main deployment ensures that you don't continue on the skydive through deployment with only two points of contact holding your passenger to you. Again a difference in "what your used to"."It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required" Some people dream about flying, I live my dream SKYMONKEY PUBLISHING Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #23 July 22, 2008 I never felt like the laterals were tight enough for exit. It never felt as secure as a Vector or a Sigma until the drogue was out. Having had a side spin, I really don't want another and that can be a contributing factor. I'm glad that you and the other guys like the system. Personally I will never jump one again. Price is an obvious factor, but if you're working even part time the rig will pay for its self in a season. The weight isn't a factor, a Sigma is only 50lbs and I *know* that a 50lbs ruck is nothing for a guy like your or SM1. --"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
feuergnom 29 #24 July 22, 2008 Quote The factory rep is a great guy and very knowledgeable, but he was just stuck with a loser tandem system that has some serious safety concerns. taken out of context one could think that you are talking about vector tandems to rhys: i jump set 400's on a regular basis, so these are the canopies i am familiar with. since we've got only one set 366 i don't get to many jumps on it but i can not relate to your experiences. light toggle pressure, easy to fly, great flare - that is what i like about this canopy. The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle dudeist skydiver # 666 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #25 July 22, 2008 QuoteAre you sure you are not talking about a SET 360? Yes i'm sure, it was a demo that is currently circulating in australia. I was practicing braked approaches and the thing kept rocking around on me, I don't have long arms either, it seemed the trim was too flat. I have never jumped a set 360 but have been told they flared like a sheet of plywood."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites