
AFF in zero time

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Hey, Dunkmaster here again.
Slightly ironic name for a newbie I know!
I was wondering how long an full AFF course takes, to qualify for a license. The dz in NEW Zealand I intend to visit says to allow for three weeks. Is it reasonable to expect that I can do it quicker? If so, how quick?

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If the weather and DZ are good (and busy enough to keep the planes running), and you have an average level of natural aptitude, it'll probably take less than a week.
I certainly know people who've done it in 2 days. To do that, you need perfect weather, instructors and lifts available and no repeats. It's not common but it's not exactly rare either. That also means doing 3 or 4 jumps a day, which is totally exhausting when you're first starting, and I've heard of DZs limiting students to 2 or 3 jumps per day to avoid loss of concentration.
Personally, jumping mainly at weekends, with British weather, a slow DZ (as is normal here), and my lack of natural ability, it took me about 2 months. I've also heard of people taking much longer.
Hope this helps

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just noticed you said 'to qualify for a licence'....
Not sure what system they use in NZ, but under the BPA system, you need the 8-level AFF course PLUS 10 consolidation jumps (just extra supervised jumps, but no particular requirements so you can't fail them) so you're probably looking at 5 days absolute minimum if you're really lucky. Probably 10 days to 2 weeks in practice.
Whatever the local requirements in NZ, make sure you've met the BPA requirements before you get back (including the hop and pop and the consols), or you might get problems jumping here in the UK, or get charged for 'check-out' jumps.
People have been disappointed by the reaction they get at some BPA DZs, when they turn up newly qualified from an AFF course abroad. Probably best to check with the UK DZ where you're planning on jumping before you go.

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I did my AFP in one weekend but the weather was great and I started at the begining of the season so it wasnt to busy yet. Also at my DZ student can not make more than 3 jumps a day for the reasons stated abouve in previous post. as for getting the licence ....took me a couple months for $$$$reason and weather. SO who knows, but like was stated before take your time the sky isnt going anywhere except up;)

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I'm not sure if you mean just completing AFF or actually getting a license, two very different things. I took me 4 months to complete my AFF, between repeats and high winds at Byron here in CA. I know one guy who did the 8 AFF levels in one weekend, with no repeats. I am now working on my license, but still need to learn how to pack and to do the hop 'n pop so it will be awhile longer before I get my license. BTW, I didn't mind the extra jumps in AFF, I just considered them more coaching for what I needed to progress.

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Thanks for repyling guys,
Sorry, I should have made my question more specific. The aff course I hope to complete next year will grant me an internationally recognised A license. I think the u.s aff is less involved than the bpa qualification. The couse is made up of 25 jumps, learning to pack my own rig ect. 15 of the jumps are training, the 15th being the graduation dive ( if all goes well!). After that there are the 10 consolidation jumps. This sound more familiar? The english courses I have seen have aff to level 8 - only 9 jumps and then ten consolidation jumps to qualify for license. Hop and pop requirements I think are satified by this even though I do no s/l progression. The nz parachute a license is internationally recognised. The dz is one of the biggest and best training schools in the Southern henisphere ( capable of taking 180 students per session)and Nz is probably the most beautiful location to swoop in the world.They say that three weeks should be allowed for comletion. I hope my research is adequate but feel free to point out any inadequacies!
Now the only problem is to wait to get the money for next summer, its so frustrating.
Thanks again,
ps Further coaching for tracking, wave off ect seems a good plan, any suggestions?

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