
Would you use a wind tunnel in Raeford, North Carolina

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If it is as good as the one on Orlando, half the drive. NC is really a pretty central location for alot of east coast jumpers, but can you jump there in the winter?? That's the only downfall that I see is the warmth of Florida in the winter.
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Can I go ahead and book some time? ;) I for one would surely be there and I'm sure that a lot of others, as someone has already mentioned, on the east coast would love its location too.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain
a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty
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I jumped in the tunnel in FL when it was 29 degrees outside. I'd do the same in NC. Plastic garbage bag in the jump suit, neoprene gloves, and hand warmers taped up under the chamber seats. Not great, but tunnel time is tunnel time. And 29 degrees in NC is usually reserved for Dec., Jan, and Feb. early mornings only. Average highs even in Jan bottom out in the mid 40's, and are into the 50's by middle Feb.

PM me for a chat about a possible NC investor. We know someone that has asked MANY questions about it in the past. Other viable investors, location, market research would be important info for them...



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"if you build it, they will come";)

Not necessarly, there is a tunnel being built in NJ so you may be spreading things thin. They would be very close and compete in the same market as far s wind tunnels go since they are few and far between. I think they would probably be the two closest ones. Just a business perspective though.
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Isn't the tunnel at Bragg a re-circulated one?

Does anyone else feel they are building too many tunnels? I just don't want any shutting down for my own selfish reasons.

SD Az is now advertising theirs, Perris has one, Orlando has one, we have the one in Vegas, the one in Tenn...the one in NJ has the greenlight as well once that "extreme park" gets up and going.

Is there really a market for all of those tunnels? The one in Orlando is in the most amazing spot - people get off at the same exit to go to Universal Studios and International Drive (tourist trap) is right there! Is it really financially feasable to open a windtunnel in a location that will try to stay open just from jumpers?
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Is it really financially feasable to open a windtunnel in a location that will try to stay open just from jumpers?

As much as the military is seeking outside resources such as AFF training so that guys can challenge the HALO course I can also see military units using this tunnel. The one at Bragg can be booked for months on end sometimes. Also the short/no notice ability to take ones A team to the tunnel without having to plan it months out is definately gonna be an attraction. Throw in the civillian/foreign teams that come to NC to train with the Knights or by themselves and the average skydiver and I think it will run pretty much year round easily.
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Is it really financially feasable to open a windtunnel in a location that will try to stay open just from jumpers?

As much as the military is seeking outside resources such as AFF training so that guys can challenge the HALO course I can also see military units using this tunnel. The one at Bragg can be booked for months on end sometimes. Also the short/no notice ability to take ones A team to the tunnel without having to plan it months out is definately gonna be an attraction. Throw in the civillian/foreign teams that come to NC to train with the Knights or by themselves and the average skydiver and I think it will run pretty much year round easily.

But have you noticed the HUGE cost differance between what a whuffo pays for 2 minutes and what a skydiver pays? It may run a lot, but it won't be as profitable.

Also, it may not be able to run 24/7 if the neighbors complain about the noise.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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