
Anyone know Eloy tunnel status?

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Was looking for a status on the tunnel, but the www.skyventureaz.com website is down. Hope that's not a bad sign. I've heard there's been a bunch of delays and overbudget issues.

Was out at Eloy last month, and they were just putting the last exaust pipe on. Looked a long way from completion. Anyone have a good guess on when it's going to be running?

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Just like in SoCal, water is really expensive so the landing areas get most of the water.

Ah, but the grass part of the packing area at Perris remains green all year long. ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Ah, but the grass part of the packing area at Perris remains green all year long.

Water out here is more expensive than electricity!
The water we do use is recycled from the ponds (irrigation ditches) to the landing areas. We re-seed the complex including the landing areas twice a year.
Our packing as you know is primarily indoors.

The tunnel is in a great location. The city electricity is more expensive than that of the county. By placing the tunnel where it is, it cut down on the projected electricity costs by 20% (County is 20% less than city)
Additionally, the plan in the future includes a dormitory and a third landing area inthe vacinity of the tunnel.
There will of course be a "no fly" zone 500 feet above the structures.
Just waiting for the first yahoo!!;)
We're getting closer:)

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So....just how tall is your tunnel

wowza you would ask me that. I beleive its somewhere around 102 feet.
It can be seen from I-10B| I suppose now folks will just look for the tunnel when trying to find the DZ;)
I am thinking the tubes should be painted with red stripes...LOL
Wouldnt that be a hoot? "Hey Mom whats that candy cane looking thingy?"

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I cannot wait to meet you and see the tunnel! I think Ari is pretty stoaked too. Maybe I'll drag you know who our there with us ;) I'm twitching over here in DeLand and itching to by a ticket to AZ. I said, esp now that there is a Skyventure...if there is more than one hurricane this season, I'M OUT! AZ here I would come :)
I know a couple of the guys workin at the tunnel, I can't wait to see how much their flying has improved :)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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just hope it rains one night when I am there so I can see the lightning

Some of the best lightning shows are indeed in this area. It doesnt even have to be raining;)
As to coming out here...there is always room for one more:)

Maybe I'll drag you know who our there with us

If it has mange...leave it at home. Dont' be draggin anything out here that even the cats won't have;)
And no sheep shit heads are allowed out here either! ;)bwahhhhhhh
As for the tunnel...its kinda like hurry up already!:)

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I am thinking the tubes should be painted with red stripes...LOL

I vote for flames. B|

nah it needs to play up the whole 'Jetsons' look it already has... like a docking platform for the mothership.....hmmm maybe we could get George Clinton to play here on opening day... B| whenever that is....
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whenever that is

Its a surprise! shhhh:P

I thought it would have been fun to place the large soccer balloon uptop. The wind tunnel blowing it would look like and ice cream cone.
On another note Axel told me about a conversation had with a whuffo...went something like this:" Well what about those tube thingys...do the skydivers shoot out the top?" The reply was.."Well yes they do! They come out the top and it shoots them all the way to 13,000 feet!"

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Well I'm sorry but the videot has to rodeo the oc. LOL:P


hrrm...wow that would mean the camera dude was WAY late...least if he rodeo'd the tail he would be a lil closer to on time :D
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