
Need advice

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I'd like to go for Arizona Airspeed basic tunnel camp in November and then maybe get some extra time in the tunnel for another 1-2 days. My main goal is to familiarize myself with the tunnel and work on my body position and body flight. Next week I'll be starting basic RW course at my home DZ and my question is do you think it's reasonable to do the tunnel trip on my own after basic RW course or it would make more sense either to go to the tunnel first?

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Is the RW course at your DZ geared towards 4way?

Because if it is I'd recommend the Airspeed Camp first, I went to one of their tunnel camps myself and since that camp my learning curve for 4 way has increased greatly. The tunnel camp help me fly my body so well that when I'm doin 4 way now I don't even think about my individual flying, I can focus more on what's happening with the formation.

That's just how it worked for me though, it's different for everyone.
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--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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