
Chinese military 5m tunnel

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the wind tunnel in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, China, is part of the Mianyang Science and technolgy museum is made for entretaintment. The max speed is 55 m/seg.

That first image reminds me of a warp core on the Enterprise.
Scars remind us that the past is real

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I've just spent two days flying at the Mianyang wind tunnel and it indeed looks like a warp core of the Enterprise. The place is very different from any other tunnels I've been to (15+ hrs at Bedford, Airkix MK, SVCO, IFSF, Perris...), you can think about it as a wind tunnel version of China Town, but still lot of fun. Stay tuned for a full report, it's really worth to visit this place, if you happen to be in China...

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Up until the 90's most of the athletes from the Soviet Union were military

How would you know that? ;)


It was standard practice - during the Cold War - for the best athletes to be drafted into "sports regiments."

For example, my dad made it to Major in the Canadian Army Reserve. He may not have been that great of a soldier, but he represented Canada - at two Olympics (Helsinki and Rome). once as a pistol shooter and the second time as a rifle shooter. The Canadian Army thought it was important to encourage shooting skills in soldiers, but more importantly, having an Olympic athlete "in the ranks" brought prestige to the regiment, so the Army gave him thousands of hours of free "range time" and paid his transportation to a dozen international shooting competitions. Also, he collected regular military pay while competing.

Similarly, when a young, West German tennis star (Becker?) had to do his compulsary military service, he reported to a "sports regiment," where he "drilled" on a tennis court, instead of a drill square.

Looking at it from a different angle, when managing special forces types, they tend to be keen athletes who get bored with running up and down the same hill for the hundredth time. To keep them challenged and motivated and in uniform, you have to throw them different challenges in "slow years." That is why the United States Navy funds the Golden Knights parachute team and why the United States Navy funds the Shooting Stars. ... oh! and skills learned - while doing demo jumps into inner cities - might come in handy the next time the U.S. Armed Forces have to invade some uppity, third world dictatorship.

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Modern Chinese boys (20 years old) are about the same size (6 feet tall and 170 pounds) as I was at that age.
P.S. One side of my family tree includes Dutchmen.

Actually they are more like 5'8" and 130 lbs. The percentage of big guys is increasing, but they are far from being typical young Chinese.

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If the percentage of big chinese boy is increasing, then a dis-proportionately large number of them are landing in Vancouver.
Since only the wealthier (e.g. can afford to fed their children better) chinese families are allowed to settle in Vancouver ...

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That's pretty much right. The percentage of big young guys is high in cities like Beijing or Shanghai with wealthy population, but if you go further into the mainland, it's getting lower and lower. Even the coaches at the tunnel were not particularly big (again, think 5'8" and 130lbs).

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