
School Trip to Airkix

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Today I took a party of 12 teenagers to Airkix. Unfortunately, we were caught up in a huge traffic jam due to an accident on the M25. We were sat on the motorway for 3 hours without moving! The team at Airkix were great. Although we missed our flights they bent over backwards to accomodate us. They arranged a new time later in the day and everyone got to fly.

I was also impressed with the instruction the kids received. After 4 minutes in the tunnel they each managed to fly unaided, including controlling fall rate and doing turns (to various levels of success). It was my first time at Airkix, I normally fly at Bedford. IMHO both wind tunnels are a massive asset to skydiving in the UK.

I will definitely arrange another school trip to a wind tunnel in the future (especially since I get to fly too!) ;)

Big Tony

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Tony, I'm taking some EBSD kids to Airkix later this month. They're really looking forward to it. Good to hear that the Airkix team are a good bunch. I hope they're prepared for the kids I'll be taking, they're hard work, particularly when pumped up on adrenelain! Maybe a dumb question, but does flying in the tunnel feel much different to actual free-fall?

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