
First time in tunnel today

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I just got home from my first session in the tunnel, and i must say i'm stoked. I'm going through ASP in Eloy and i did 10 min today. My legs were alittle floppy but other than that he said i did a good job. I cant wait to go back and progess my skills further. I hate how the intructors make it look wayyyyy to easy.

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It's an expensive addiction, but SO worth it. I haven't done my first jump yet, but it's coming--and I'm hoping that my tunnel time will serve me well! i keep thinking that the more I do it, the more it will mellow out for me and become par for the course, but I find that it's working just the opposite way. Spent 8 minutes in the tunnel yesterday and am going back for 8 more today. Gotta love the tunnel.
TPM Sister #102

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Damn girl, you're on fire!

It will mellow out a bit for you once you make your first jump. The tunnel isn't as exciting after that, but merely a means to get better at skydiving.

At least that's how it's been for me.

But it's a heck of alot of fun, that's for sure.:)

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It will mellow out a bit for you once you make your first jump. The tunnel isn't as exciting after that, but merely a means to get better at skydiving.

Some realize it's a sport of its own and more difficult than skydiving in many ways. We fly, we don't fall.

I enjoy the tunnel far more than skydiving. I want to fly all day. I can do 90+ minutes in the tunnel in a day but you'd be hard pressed to make 90 jumps in a day without a lot of help.

It's all personal preference but for myself and many others, the tunnel is where it's at.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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All I know is that I bought 8 more minutes today after having 8 yesterday and I still left craving more. BUT, I will say that I was in the tunnel with a guy who had over 200 jumps and it was immensely satisfying to realize that I can hold my own with him. Now, in the sky--that's a different story, I know. Guess I'll have to take to the blue and find out which one I like best! It just all looks so incredibly FUN. I want to do it all!
TPM Sister #102

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Sorry, I guess that comment didn't come out as I had intended.:$


Some realize it's a sport of its own and more difficult than skydiving in many ways. We fly, we don't fall.

If I could do all of the carving and stunts that the coaches could do, I'm sure I would feel the same as you. And my plan is to be able to some day. I'd love to be a tunnel coach, at some point.

But right now I'm split between the two things...I can't afford to do both big time, so I'm fixated on getting to start my AFF. Therefore, at this time, I'm thinking of tunnel as a training tool for that.

I didn't mean to offend, but I can certainly see how that was not very well expressed. Sorry!:)

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