
Tunnel for the Cause 2006

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Tunnel for the Cause 2006
October 13th and 14th

Visit our website for more details and registration http://www.TunnelForTheCause.com

An off season Jump for the Cause and City of Hope fundraiser.
ALL proceeds benefit JFTC's next record attempt.

Coaches will be donating their skill and time. All proceeds benefit the next JFTC record attempt. Coaches from both coasts are joing in to help fight breast cancer. To find out how your tunnel and coaches can contribute to the cause, please email Paige Info@TunnelForTheCause.com.

Girls, we've got big way freefly fun. Join us for girlie flying and fun. Goodie bags for the top 6 fundraisers!

Guys, we didn't leave you out this year. Spend an hour in the tunnel w. Ari for a big way skills camp and freeflying fun.

Edited to add: Just like last year, I make $0 off of this fundraiser, last year I gave a lot of $ to the event for goodies for participants, signs, website, etc. In no way shape or form will your donation go into my pocket.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Katie, I'm so :)
TFTC had a small portion in this month's Parachutist! I hope this helps generate interest for the event in October, Jump for the Cause 2007 and the City of Hope.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Paige - excellent event! Thank you so much for your hard work. Although the energy level was low on the ground the vibes were rockin' in the tunnel. You're a very beautiful flyer!:)
I hope Ari and the boys had as much fun as we did!


Get your PMS glass necklace here

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Tunnel for the Cause 2006
For those of you who couldn’t make it, here is a write up...
I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who was involved with this year’s event and to everyone who donated. We've raised over $6,000 [donations are still steadily coming in :)

Be sure to visit www.TunnelForTheCause.com for event photos when they arrive! Lingerie and event photos are available for purchase.

We were so pleased to have the support and donations from: skydiving manufactures, local businesses & restaurants, riggers, family, friends, and everyone one else, for our raffle and fundraising efforts. Without your kindness and generosity, this event would not have been possible.

Shane Tulley (our video guy) got some great footage and I know Bryan (still photographer) got some super shots too! BIG THANK YOU to these guys for their assistance. I can't wait to see the footage and photos.

Friday, October 13th, 2006
Coaching for Donations

Crazy, fun, flying Friday the 13th! We had black cats crossing our path all night :)
Austin Collins has continually created web pages, posted bulletins, emailed friends, and promoted TFTC. It was fantastic to have his support and assistance in promotions! I had so much fun working with Austin in my lingerie but it was a little more difficult to coach in than I had imagined. Thanks for the pictures I've posted below! I'll be sure to fill the albums with Bryan's photos as soon as I get my hands on them.

Eric Florio is training for collegiate nationals and wanted to help out a good cause while flying in the tunnel this weekend. He gave us a VERY generous donation, which we are extremely grateful for. While working with Dan Perry, his flying improved so much. His mantis was looking good and those knee turns were rockin! It was great having Eric at the event, I know we’ll all be cheering for him at collegiates.

Extra special kudos to the coaches who made these 2 hours of coaching and fundraising possible: Chris Ash, Michael Bowen, Daniel Perry, and Ari Perelman. It was very nice to have their support and energy at the event. All of the students had an amazing time and will hopefully return to play with us again!

Saturday, October 14th, 2006.
Female FreeFly Fest/Camp

Tunnel for the Cause for the ladies was amazing time this year! Even with last minute format changes, everything went really smooth and better than anticipated. Instead of a lot of group flying, we decided that we would have individual flight time and a few group flights. During the individual flights, I was able to work with the girls on their belly, back, and sit flying progressions. I thought everyone learned fast and flew REALLY well.

I had a wonderful time working with everyone on their tunnel skills. I have to say, in the second hour EVERYONE FLEW LIKE SUPER STARS!!!!!! There were HUGE improvements in everyone’s flying, it was so great to see everyone flying and being cheered on by the other participants. I don't know what it was, but something clicked for each girl and we had tons of success with our formations and individual progressions.

The big way wall walking was really great too! All 6 of us were in there hanging out on the walls, in a big round :)

Participant Thank You’s.....
flew so well and her belly flying improved immensely! Her back flying was also looking pretty darn good ;) Thank you for putting on a kick ass TFTC fundraiser at Natura Cafe Gail. You energy, spirit, and kindness were felt by all. Glad you were bold enough to do the lingerie flights with us. It was a great experience I was glad to share with you. Thanks for the killer back rub Saturday after we were done flying!

Jenn was a crazy sit and back flyer this weekend! The last time I worked with Jenn, she was bouncing around on the net a little. Now she’s carving around, turning, and doing 2 way freefly stuff, topped out :)

Katie was amazing in there! A super star belly and freeflyer for sure :)

Scarlett did some incredible fundraising and tunnel flying. I love her black and white camo belly suit! Really sharp looking in the pics. It was great to have Scarlett involved so heavily with the event. I had a wonderful time flying and working with her; the smile and camera geeking were hilarious! It was a BIG boost of energy for me to see Scarlett in the tunnel enjoying herself and :)

Shannon kicked major booty at sit flying her first go at it. Man was she a sit flying super star and doing front flips by the end of the event. Her dreads looked really neat in the tunnel, flapping in the breeze (I hope they weren’t painful for her cause they are gonna be awesome in the photos). Shannon’s super sweet smile and awesome lingerie were rocking Saturday night. Thanks for all your hard work and for flying to save boobies! Congratulations TPM# 96.

Saturday, October 14th, 2006. 2 - 3pm
Fella’s FreeFly Fest

Ari Perelman was leading the men for an hour of fun freeflying. He is an amazing organizer and a top contributor to the cause. Thank you for all your special efforts, organizing, coaching, support, and love! It looked like all the guys really enjoyed themselves and flew awesome!

Jake Davis
, big thank you for heading down from Virginia to fly with the men, get coaching, and save boobies! Jake’s sit flying really improved this trip and he held his own during the big way formations. He was rocking it out and flying hard! Great to see you again Jake, thanks for the support.

Pete Howell
also traveled from Ohio to donate to the cause and participate in the event. His belly and back flying improved greatly through the course of the hour. Ari was really surprised with how fast Pete improved and picked up on new skills. Way to go Pete! Thanks for rallying the troops at the home dz Skydive Greene County http://www.SkydiveOhio.com. Pete raised a TON of money to save boobs, thank you for your support and fundraising.

Ramsey Kent also joined in the fun. Ari was so excited to have him at the event donating and flying (as was I). He’s a fantastic addition to the SkyVenture Orlando staff and it was awesome to have his vibe in the tunnel with TFTC. It was great to have an instructor donate money for boobs and to pay for tunnel time since they can often get it for free. Thank you Ramsey!

A few words from Paige…
In short, I had an amazing time at the event and received unbelievable support from my friends and family. Without you, none of this would be possible. THANK YOU!!!!!

Yesterday was an amazing day meant to honor and remember those affected by breast cancer. Not just those directly afflicted, but those who surround and love them. Everyone feels the pain and wants to help. At TFTC, we use education and statistics to help others understand just how many people are really affected by the, "1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year." It's far more than 1 in 7: the family, friends, co-workers, teammates, classmates, and others are there fighting hard too. By educating the public, we can help women get diagnosed early and have more successful treatments. Help spread the word, do self-breast exams every month to check for lumps.

I had a friend of my mom's die (when I was very young) from breast cancer. To this day, I remember her funeral vividly. I was crying so hard but could not fully understanding why I was feeling the way I was. Just months before she passed, it was around Christmas time. We did a gift exchange/Secret Santa where the parents get gifts for the kids in our 'play group.' Robbyn had selected my name that year.

Unfortunately, Robbyn was very sick and unable to make it to the party. I remember thinking that the Michael Jackson doll in the red fancy coat was super cool, but I found myself wishing for Robbyn to get better. I now know Robbyn was in my life to motivate me and move my life towards philanthropy and giving. Without her, TFTC would not be possible.

Yesterday, I flew, educated, and fundraised. I flew to remember Robbyn Ferris, Susan Poynter, and to honor Penny Bowen.

Our tentative total puts us around the $6,100 mark. Help us reach $7,000 today!

Spread Your Love & Fly!
Paige Rudolph
TFTC Organizer

Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Doh! Edited to add...

Kudos to Scarlett for braving the wind and lingerie also! :):D

Steve Czokoly flew with the men as well. Thanks for joining us last minute, I know Steve was flying a ton this week but managed an hour more to save boobies!! His neon flamed suit really stood out in the tunnel. He was rocking out the formations in there with Jake, Ari, Ramsey, and Pete. Thank you Steve!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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AND, a big thank you to Paige. ;) Don't forget your self, Paige. I can only begin to grasp how huge of an effort you have to put forth to arrange for the tunnel time, the sponsorship, the scheduling, and all of the tiny details for an event like TFTC.
It really takes someone special to put so much effort into something. Paige is such an awesome philanthropist and one of the most unselfish people that I know. What a better place the world would be if everyone had the love for people, in their heart, that she does.
Oh, and Paigey, I can attribute my improvement in flying skills all to you and John. I literally started out with nothing more than basic belly flying and pinball freeflying skills before I met you or John. You have the ability to make learning really funny, and sometimes really funny, pick a student up when they are overcome with frustration and sacrifice personal time to teach others to fly. Most of all, you are really good at helping people build confidence in their flying. Some flying skills that have been giving me some trouble finally clicked....I finally GOT IT! The hours that I have spent with you and the hour I have spent with John have made all of the difference in the world. And, like I said before, hopefully, eventually, I can just fly with you and you won't have to give me instruction because I will know what to do. :ph34r:
So, anywho. While all of us chicas were happy to fundraise and come fly with each other to save the boobies, you are the REAL hero in the grand scheme of things.
Tunnel Junkie Since November 2005! ;o)~
TPM #46
Paraclete XP TPM Delegate

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What a fantastic event

Paige and Ari did a great job organizing everything. Attending this event would have been worth it by itself, being able to raise money for breast cancer is a great bonus!

Was very nice to meet a bunch of cool new people, and to catch up with some I haven't seen for awhile.

The girls were rocking! Very fun to watch. I'm still impressed by Shannon nailing her sitfly immediately.

On the guys side, I was by far the least experienced flyer and was worried about holding everybody back, but Ari had a great plan to keep it fun for all. Thanks to Ari, Ramsey, and Danager for the coaching and help! I learned lots of cool new stuff.

I'll definitely be putting this event on my calendar for next year.

Hook high, flare on time

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just a quick note to all before the weekend, if you paid for pictures, they are in the mail as of yesterday... if they are distributed in any form whatsoever, please contact me first, no worries, i just want credit.

thanks to all, it was obvious everyone had a great time...
'till next year.. -b

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A huge congratulations to everyone who participated in the Tunnel for the Cause and to those who raised donations! I am very proud of, happy for and admire all of you very much. It sounds like it was a wonderful success and lots of fun! It's for such a great cause. Kudos to the amazing Paige for making it all happen! (Love you, Paige!)

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I love you guys, appreciate your support, and cherish your friendships :)
Thank you so much for your kind words and posts. It means so much to have friends who can pick you up when things are stressful or you are feeling a little down. I'd be an impossible bitch without your messages, phone calls, posts, etc. to make me smile, breathe, and relax during the incredible stress.

Still pretty busy with donations coming in (which is amazing!), raffle prizes, and other misc. things. Should be over soon but please pardon the mass response in the mean time, busy day.

Much Luv!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Extra special thanks to Mick and the other BodyPilots (http://www.BodyPilots.com) who helped out fundraising by donating their earnings from coaching that day. Thank you for being the only other tunnel in the country and world to participate in the fundraising by coaching for donations!

You guys rule!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Once again I had a phenomenal time at Tunnel for the Cause; it was an absolute blast meeting and flying with new people and raising so much money for such a good cause.

First off I need to say thank you to Paige for all of your hard work. You put so much of your time, energy and effort into this event for so long. It is amazing everything that you had to do to put this event together. Even with all the last minute things that kept happening, you still managed to host a wonderful event that raised a lot of money and showed everyone a great time. You deserve a tremendous amount of credit for all you did. Plus, I’m sure you’re the first person to carve head down in any tunnel wearing lingerie ;) Damn did you look good!

For the second year in a row now, the girls took over SVO and made it pink. They also took it over with their uplifting energy. It was great to see all the enthusiastic flying again and the girls having so much fun doing it. You could tell they were having a great time and everyone was enjoying watching them fly as well. We had more tourists this year decide to fly in the wind tunnel because they saw how much fun the girls were having. All of the girls did a great job flying, learning and having fun. Congratulations on the new inductees into the Tunnel Pink Mafia.

Later in the afternoon, the guys got a chance to fly and try out some formations. We decided to go with a bit less structure than the girls and I’m sure it showed ;) Everyone flew well, had fun and improved their flying skills. I’m sure that for some of the guys, it was their first 3, 4 and 5 way in the tunnel. Thank you Pete, Jake, Ramsey and Steve for participating and for being open to trying new things in the tunnel. You all did a great job and I had so much fun meeting and flying with all of you.

An extra thanks to Ramsey for helping out during the girls lingerie flights and all your help with the guys’ flying. We definitely would not have been able to pull off all the formations without your help. As Paige said, it was great to have an instructor donate and pay for tunnel time. It was great having you at the event.

Tunnel for the Cause was, yet again, a tremendously fun event that raised a lot of money and awareness for breast cancer. Thank you to all the participants for flying, the coaches for donating your time, Shane and Bryan for video and pictures, the students, sponsors and donors for your support, SVO and the staff for hosting the event and thank you Paige for organizing and pouring your heart into it. I am so proud to have been a part of this event :)
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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Hey girls,

I was just wondering how a tunnel flyer from the UK would get involved in this.

Have you guys ever thought of a sort of synchronised event in the Uk to run alongside the one you have over there. Would mean us 'English Totty' could make more of a contribution.

Perhaps something to think about for next year. . . Sure the uk bodyflight chicks would be up for getting it organised, know I would

PM me if you like or message me on myspace.com/byasa.

Would love to try and help in a more pro-active way:)
Fear is Temporary, Regret is Forever!


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This year ANY tunnel could participate in TFTC ;). I emailed all the tunnel owners I knew but only received responses from Mick an instructor in Eloy. Maybe next year, more tunnels and coaches can get involved.

This year, coaches were asked to donate their services & fees for students they had on October 13th. Instructors would charge students a discounted rate of $50 for coaching, and they were asked to donate that amt. or a portion of their coaching fees (they could charge whatever they'd like but I suggested $50).

Next year, we are looking to expand. Since this is, for the most part, a one woman show (me doing the vast majority of the work) and ALL funds for goodies and extras coming out of my pocket, expansion will come slow. I will add new elements each year but not too many. I need to be able to measure the success or failure of the new ventures.

I also need to keep track of donations coming in and what they are used for. The IRS will knock on my door if there are any discrepencies or if money was collected but not given to the cause (say we collected money on the basis of it being donated to the cause but went to pay for tunnel time or something like that).

I'll be sure to keep everyone posted and start a thread early if we are going to go global in 2007 :)
Need a break from this year's even first before I even think about 2007 :D
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I mailed the guys footage and check off to Shane so we should have videos shortly.

I have ordered 25 beacuse that is all I can afford. If you would like one, please email me Paige@TunnelPinkMafia.com. If there is a response for more than 25 dvd's, I'll collect the funds and have Shane press more.

I can't post the price on here, it would be taken down becuase of advertising, but let's just say the price is more than reasonable and includes postage, shipping, packaging, DVD, and a small donation to the cause.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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This year ANY tunnel could participate in TFTC . I emailed all the tunnel owners I knew but only received responses from Mick an instructor in Eloy. Maybe next year, more tunnels and coaches can get involved.

I might be able to help out next year in CO, this year it's just tough do to the tunnel being so new. By next year there should be more good coaches and the ability to work something out. B|
Fly it like you stole it!

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I might be able to help out next year in CO, this year it's just tough do to the tunnel being so new. By next year there should be more good coaches and the ability to work something out. B|

I'll keep you posted if you are interested. It would be really nice to make this a BIG BANG since next year is another women's record attempt. Gotta support all the sisters going big for boobs :)
Appreciate the offer of support a ton!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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