
Full Face Helmets for FreeFlyers

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Hi all,
I though I'd share this with you:
First Lift of the day yesterday, Nobody on the dropzone except for me and a few friends. We decided to go on a fast three way (stand up).
I haven't bought a helmet yet so I decided to borrow a full face that I had used many times before.
the Jump was a lot of fun but at 4000ft My helmet just flew away. The speed we got was around 160 mph which is not too fast. The track was not really nice ;)
I got lucky in the sense that I spotted the helmet while under the canopy and manged to follow it down. (my dytter was in it). The Helmet was a factory diver (carbon fire). A few cracks here and there after landing and the dytter still in the pocket.
Beside the fact that this jump is going to cost me an extra $200 to replace the helmet, I have to admit that it is not a nice feeling to lose your helmet on free fall.
Too much drag ? Helmet not tighten enough ? I don't know.
Anyway, I won't be jumping a full face for freeflying anymore.
take care,

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John Matthews, Colon Berry and Rob Romey (Z-tribe) used to wear full face helmets.
It may be that they wore a different brand (Renegade?) that may be tighter. I do know that later in their careers they jumped full faces with now lenses and wore goggles underneath.
bloo ones

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I'm not familiar with the Factory Diver - how does it fasten? Is it one that has a chin strap, or does it just have the tightening strap built into the side of the helmet? I have done some freeflying with a full face, but it has a chin strap. I won't do any sit/stand with a helmet without a chincup or chin strap.. I normally jump an open face camera helmet..

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I've exceeded 200 mph in a stand wearing my Z1 and I still have it. I sitfly with it all the time, and wore it for my only head down jump so far.

I also have a Z1, and I have done plenty of freeflying with it.. The difference between the Z1 and many other full face helmets is the Z1 has a chin strap.. Many full face don't..

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Only problem I've had with my Z1 freeflying is that the visor flipped up on me in a sit once. Kinda hard to put it back when your arms are already preoccupied. :D
But I've also had the same problem on RW jumps. You really need to make sure it's clicked in properly before you jump. Just pushing it down may not get it properly secured. So I usually push up on it right as I head to the door just to make sure. Musta forgot on that sit. :P
Blue Skies!

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