
Backflips in tunnel

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I failed my AFF level 6 during the backflip portion. I got out of control and could not recover. Will they teach this to me in the tunnel? I bought 10 minutes and a coach for Sunday. Will this be enough time. I can't afford to fail level 6 again monetarily, and it was also a huge emotional blow.

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Not likely as you would expect....

However not being able to recover is not necessarily due to the backflip manouver itself - just general flying in the tunnel and learning stability/control will help with your recovery when unstable.

In short - you wont be doing flips - but its likely to help none the less :)
Good luck with you next go!

Bodyflight Bedford

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Paul is quite right, the tunnel in this context for you is a tool, any good coach will help you work on stability and control. For most peple throwing themselves over backwards is not exactly difficult - it resembles going unstable and waving your arms around a bit (if you see the videos of my AFF you'd understand) but the getting stable flat and on heading is the thing we all had to work on - the tunnel can really help you achieve this (especially in a massive place like bedford where early attempts are not as easily hampered by nearby walls).

Realistically there is no chance of doing loops/flips etc at this stage, if you want to see how it is done look at SDM.com, but they have thousands of jumps and probablyy hundreds of hours of body flying to do it.

But remember it is a tool and as you stated a means to an end, you can only pass level 6 in the air so keep jumping.

On break off turn and track as far and as fast as possible....
Because not only your life depends on it but so does mine!!

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Just because you have the opportunity to use the tunnel, don't use it as a crutch.
If you couldn't get stable after a backflip, you forgot something that you don't need to go to the tunnel for to learn: relax and arch. If you take a breath and arch, you will get stable.
The tunnel is great and an awesome tool, but you are a long way away from backflips in there. They are very scary in the tunnel and fairly easy in the air.
"Bodygolfing" isn't as much fun as it sounds. People get pissed when you don't replace your divets.

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