
Tunnel Camps?

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Any good tunnel camps coming up--some time after January 1? (4th quarter is too busy to get away from the office.) I'm thinking about trying to put together a little tunnel camp vacation, but am wondering where to go and/or who to watch for. Who usually has the best to offer?

It doesn't have to be in the U.S., either. I'm just looking for something fun and that will really be worth the trip.
TPM Sister #102

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I wouldn't recommend Airkix, simply because it's too similar to SVCO (for a trip that long).
Bedford is a more different experience.
But if you like to party, a new tunnel just opened about 80 miles south of Amsterdam, Holland.
I haven't been there myself, but in the video it looks very interesting...

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Julie if you want something you don't have to travel for Mike Swanson will be at SVCO the 3rd week of jan. i know he's doing some flying, and based on previous conversation i think he'd be willing to do some coaching. he's a member of the freefly team Alchemy, several times over the national/world champion team. let me know.

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I can see that I need a lot more vacation time . . . and a lot more money!!! ;) Thanks for the good information. I really appreciate knowing about this. Hmmmmm . . . SVCO in January and Holland in the spring. I wonder how much blood I can sell between now and then! :S
TPM Sister #102

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I think the UK is definitely on the map when it comes to wind tunnel facilities at the moment and well worth the journey if you're looking for tunnel camps - I'm biased of course being English.

I spend a fair bit of time at Airkix and I hear they're working on a real strong programme of tunnel camps for 2007 in both FS and FF. Worth remembering that the current 4-way world champs (Team Airkix) trained there and still coach there, and I think we can expect even more world class coaches there soon to be honest. Worth keeping up with the updates on their website.

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I think the UK is definitely on the map when it comes to wind tunnel facilities at the moment and well worth the journey if you're looking for tunnel camps - I'm biased of course being English.

I spend a fair bit of time at Airkix and I hear they're working on a real strong programme of tunnel camps for 2007 in both FS and FF. Worth remembering that the current 4-way world champs (Team Airkix) trained there and still coach there, and I think we can expect even more world class coaches there soon to be honest. Worth keeping up with the updates on their website.

Whys it necesary to make pretend users?
Didnt Team Airkix train at Bedford?

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Cool! Thanks very much for the input. We have Rusty, and if he's any indication, I have no doubt that Airkix has a lot to offer. I will watch the web.

Rusty? Did someone say Rusty? :D:D

Seriously, Jewels, I would totally be up for planning a trek to England. It would actually be nice to visit a country where I already (sort of) speak the language!

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