
Screw you tunnel head down!

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It's winning! I've been trying for 2 months, at about 10 min a week and in the past 7 days have done 40min. I'm waaaay frustrated right now. Usually when this happens I watch the vid, and realize I didn't do so bad. Tonight, not so much. I want to lay on the floor and throw a tantrum! How to deal with a bad nigt, I'm not sure. Should I go more or give it a rest for a few days? How the hell do you get control over your hips, can someone tell me PLEASE!!!>:(

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LOL--as a matter of fact, yes, it's sore but I assumed it was from belly-flying with the weight belt. :S

I told Derek last night that as soon as I learn how to do this, HD is going to be SO EASY! So why can't I get there from here? (Okay--instructors go easy. I mean that more in the "why won't it all come together" sense than in the "what am I doing wrong" sense. The "what am I doing wrong" question is just too open-ended for words. :D)

TPM Sister #102

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Getting a quality coach (one very proficient in tunnel HD coaching, not just flying) will pay you rewards, and save you time (and money). My favorite in the industry (because he speaks and I understand what he's saying) is Joe Winters.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I have found that the more I really concentrate and try to do something int he tunnel the harder it becomes. A lot of the time I will stop and take a deep breath realx for half a second and then try again with a clear mind. It helps me out to kind of reset if you will. Just relax and smile. It will come to you.

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For sure coaching, for head down flight in the tunnel is a must. But don't burn yourself out trying just HD. I'm willing to bet there are other things you could be working on that would improve your understanding of HD. Carving (in facing and out facing both directions) layouts front and back. The better you become at these things the easier HD will be. Don't give up.

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i had a conversation with julie the other week. i told her that she needed to work on some different drills that go along with head down. if your stuck your frustrated and that leads to tension which does not allow you to compensate for your flight. you will find head down so easy after you learn some parrallels that go hand in hand with head down flying. you both have my number and im here all the freaking time. If your FRUSTRATED you need to do something different and then come back to it!!!!!

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Well, I do have to give you (Danager) credit for teaching an 11 year old girl HD way to go!

Julie-- you will get it -- with the great coaching available at SVCO lots of different tips put together will help you fill in all of the pieces to the puzzle. You are a great flyer (better then I will ever be) and you will get it soon I am sure!

And in case you are wondering --- yes we are on vac. but stuck in the airport BORING......

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i find going on to something else really helps...

i try to learn something, get the basics through a coach, try going for a little on my own getting frustrated then do something else ...within a few weeks go back and it all feels very different and more controled...

i say try back carving if you havent learnt that yet.
not many people pick this up easy so try that for 6 months....lol... and you will be more than glad to go back to trying head down......(be carefull that back carving is mega adictive when you get it down)....hehe.. have fun and let those walls come............yippeeee...

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mm hmm, like that yellow student helmet Julie! Where have you been this weekend? I wanna see you rockin that student gear!!!

D'oh! Would you believe I was on "the other load?" Hmmmmm. Okay, so . . . um . . . uh . . . I was . . . shoot, I've got nothin'. But seriously, does it HAVE to be a yellow helmet that screams "IDIOT SKYDIVER OVER HERE!" (That's actually probably a very good idea for me--but who wants to stand out like that???)

Tried to learn to stall a front flip while upside-down yesterday. WOW--that failed spectacularly! ;)
TPM Sister #102

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lol...lol...lol... you gota fail before you suceed..... :-)

I am SO all over that! I have the failing part down pat. :S Nah--not so bad. I can come up off the net. I just need control. Little movements, strong legs, etc., etc., etc. It's just like anything else. I want it ALL, and NOW, please! :))
TPM Sister #102

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Thanks sweetheart! I was logging on 2 say the same about u!! GOOOO USSSS!!!! I love love love that we can feed off each other! I think u had it a while ago, but I lit a fire under ur ass!!!! RIGHT ONNNNN!!! Now all u need 2 do is skydive, and we will b an unstoppable team... C'mon Julie, be my Buddy!!!!

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ROFL! I was actually wondering if Jason and/or Brad might be at the dz this afternoon and if so, how many elves I need to replace me at my desk. . . . Not sure that it's a real possibility but it's a good thing you're gonna be gone for a year because I need time to catch up. Okay, realistically, I'm not going to catch up but I need to at least get my A so I can fly with you OUTSIDE the tunnel!!! HD is a marvelous thing. I spent last night thinking "she's in the tunnel working on it and I'm sitting here reading about title policy endorsements." :P Grrrr. ;)

TPM Sister #102

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