
XP rules the world!

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I have a ton of time in the fort bragg tunnel, but this past couple of days I was treated to a lot of pre-opening time at XP. Holy Shit. I drove up with Andy Serrano and Phil Peggs to take care of some unrelated business, and woe and behold we ran into my great friends Tim and Colleen D'Annunzio at the Western Sizzler. They invited us to check out their facility and all I can say is "wow." In total, we spent three hours locked up in the vestibule sharing time with the staff and some other friends. I never, in a million years thought I would fly in a tunnel as nice as fort bragg, but I was so, so very wrong.

The staff that was hired away by Kirk Verner from the other tunnels is phenomenal. I have never seen such a bunch of bad-ass tunnel rats busting four-way VRW. Seriously. Their heads and feet were never more than six inches up or down from where they started and they were ripping points on their heads and feet faster than I have ever been able to do so on my belly. I was slack-jawed. It was even better when we were sitting there ready for our round when they traded suits and started busting eight-way RW with Tim, Droop, and Amish. Unbelievable. RRRREALL 8-way sequential with piece turns and everything without hitting the walls.

Phil and I hooked up with Droop (John D'Annunzio) and Amish (Matt McLean) and were turning very-fast four-way without getting anywhere near the walls. I was fucking STOKED.

In summary: it did not suck getting to fly in the biggest, cleanest tunnel in the world prior to it's opening. I hate it that I moved down here to Z-hills before they even broke ground on this facility.


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Phil here...

I second everything Chuck said about XP... man it just blew my mind. I just know that GREAT things are going to come out of this tunnel with the AWESOME staff that has been put together!

That chamber was just enormous!! Room like you wouldn't believe. The facility itself is just going to be phenominal when finished. The video system available while still in the tunnel will be a huge training aide.

I am very gratetful to Tim D'Annunzio for allowing me to fly. No way to say thank you enough!

This week did not suck!!

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Actually, this is interesting. Which is bigger? They both (Bedford and XP) announce themself to be the biggest tunnel in the world. At least according to their websites.

On Bedford's website is told to be 16.47 feet in diameter and XP announces 16'4" in diameter.

In anyway, I am hoping to visit both of them as soon as my budget doesn't look so weak. :P

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I personaly don't think that .7 of an inch makes a whole lot of difference when it comes to tunnel flying and your enjoyment factor......
there are other subjects that i'm sure this size difference really does matter, said the bishop to the actress....

If its a case of advertising and legal wranglings then i'm sure it will all get sorted in the wash....

As long as i am Flying in a big ...Nah... Huge tunnel, i will always go home with a smile on me face....

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I didn't ask which one is better, as I also believe that there shouldn't be a significant difference resulting from the size. Though I am curious to know which tunnel currently has the title of beeing the largest. Even more so, because the difference seems to be so marginal.

Anyway, I got confused with the 16.47 feet, as I am used to the metric system. Does this .47 mean 4 inches and 7/10 if an inch or 47/100 of an feet? Both of them result Bedford beeing larger, if XP is exactly 16 feet an 4 inches.

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I didn't ask which one is better,

I never said one was better than the other, and this is a forum that i can say anything i like in wether you ask or not....

maybe you should change yr name from funflyer to just flyer....lol..

just a sugestion..

;):D light hearted joke... :P

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I didn't ask which one is better,

I never said one was better than the other,

Please don't get me wrong, I didn't mean you did. I was just curious about the issue. Maybe it sounded something else that I intented, but after all that's not suprise since my English is what it is. Sorry!

And yeah, I absolutely NEVER have any fun when I (try to) fly... :P

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so totally and utterly irrelevant when looking at volume. bedford is 3ft tall with no diffuser and Paraclete about 56ft tall and 20ft diameter up there.... 2 totally different tunnels, one is state of the art, the other is Bedford (1950's and showing it)

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so totally and utterly irrelevant when looking at volume. bedford is 3ft tall with no diffuser and Paraclete about 56ft tall and 20ft diameter up there.... 2 totally different tunnels, one is state of the art, the other is Bedford (1950's and showing it)

lol love to know where you get yr numbers from... i bet you think yr dick is 9 inches aswell peewee... lol

I work at bedford and think both tunnels are awsome, can i ask if you have flown in both.?

the only thing you did get right is that they are two totally different tunnels but i think you will find the only thing old at Bedford is the building shell itself.


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For my own curiosity had a look at both tunnels websites:

XP says 16' 4"
which is 196 inches
196" = 497.84 cm

Bedford gives it both ways 16.4" (decimal feet??) and in 5 metres so
5m = 500cm
16.4' = 499.872

Well there's the info, whether it's relevant to you is a personal thing i guess. Like it was said before we are lucky to have a good choice.

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For my own curiosity had a look at both tunnels websites:

XP says 16' 4"
which is 196 inches
196" = 497.84 cm

Bedford gives it both ways 16.4" (decimal feet??) and in 5 metres so
5m = 500cm
16.4' = 499.872

Well there's the info, whether it's relevant to you is a personal thing i guess. Like it was said before we are lucky to have a good choice.

Actually, Bedford does give more detailed figures. 16.47 feet (4.95 meters).


From the colourful answers in this thread, one could imagine this issue beeing a taboo and that there are people thinking this sort of question should not be raised.

Again, I wasn't seeking for information to judge one beeing better than the other. Just curious because THEY BOTH DECLARE THEMSELF AS THE BIGGEST! Lot of people thinking about this, because the difference seems to be so marginal. But if it's a taboo... well, let them keep thinking then! ;)

Since any confirmation about the XP size has not been given, one might think the information on their website is accurate and therefore BEDFORD IS BIGGER! And even more likely, THEY BOTH ROCK! B|

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I have been to both Bedford and the XP tunnel and they are the same size as far as I could tell. If one is bigger it's marginally so at best and not enough to make a difference to the flyers.........I really can't believe people are debating over the size of the tunnels, just be glad we have them, it's all good.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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