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Not that I'm interested in applying, but what's the photo for? Are they really worried about their instructors looking good on the dvds and all the videos that get posted on YouTube?

All of that aside, though, it's a great opportunity for someone who really wants to instruct!
TPM Sister #102

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Not that I'm interested in applying, but what's the photo for?

IMO - there is nothing wrong with trying to establish an image when there are sufficient people applying. Clean cut, healthy, etc is good for business

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I agree! There's nothing wrong with wanting to present a professional image. It just makes it seem that they are planning to assess an applicant's qualifications based on how they look in a photo. I've seen some instructors who are amazing flyers and coaches but that you'd never guess were so good if you just ran into them on the street. A photo of those instructors would never tell you how they might perform on the job. I would think that most applicants would be reasonably presentable and it's interesting that they would want to assess appearance even before a face-to-face meeting.

In any event, it was just something that struck me when reading the post. I'm not trying to take away from the ad or to knock Bedford. It's just an unusual request.
TPM Sister #102

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I get it. But, I think one could make a pretty quick judgement on who NOT to talk to if the photo is really out there. Certainly not on who to hire though without more info.


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Haha Jewels i just looked at yr profile... i see it says attorney ... do you practice employment law at all.... lol...

to be honest if you put stig of the dump in the tunnel enough he would soon be flying his pants off...

I would add though, A tunnel instructors job at Bedford is different to one at a skyventure tunnel. I know and speak to a lot of staff from other tunnels and also know they would agree with me, its hard to explain in a forum just how different the jobs are.

In short at Bedford as in skyventure it doesnt really matter how talented someone is at flying or coaching because thats something we teach and they can learn, and lets be honest thats why we all do the job, fly fly fly..... well it certainly isnt the money LOL...


ps: I personally think its just a way for Bryony to get a load of pictures of guys...hahaha...

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LOL! No, I don't do employment law--no worries! I didn't mean to make the thread about the pictures. I can certainly appreciate the desire to select the right person for the job and to bring the skill along behind. I think a lot more successful business relationships could be cultivated by maintaining a willling-to-train-the-right-person approach. I still don't see how photos are going to help make that determination, but it's not my agenda to cry discrimination, either. I've never heard anything negative about Bedford and I'm not trying to put that on you now. It's what you do with the pictures that matters.

So, what IS the right kind of applicant for the job?
TPM Sister #102

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This is actually something that is quite common a request in certain fields of employment (not just modelling... lol)

For us it provides a way of assesing physique and athletesism as well as of course getting Dave totty photos :D

Its just one of many information pieces which aid in narrowing down a large pile of CVs potentially.

Ohh and did I mention we have a job?! Who wants it?!!!

Bodyflight Bedford

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It also makes it easier to remember the different people you have spoken to once you have finished interviews and are making decisions.

Especially when your memory is as notoriously bad as mine when it comes to peoples names! LOL

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