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Hey guys,

So it seems that over the last month I've reached a plateau in my tunnel progression, and actually started regressing in my flying. Never thought that more tunnel time=worse flying. It's pretty frustrating. I've been super focused on hd transitions, and was so close to getting backflips and then all the sudden, I can't do them anymore! And, my headup is shit since I've been neglecting it focusing everything on head down. I know that not all sessions can be good sessions, but, lately every session has been a bad session!

Has anyone experienced this before? Does it eventually go away?! I've been flying in the tunnel once or twice a week for almost two years now, and even if it was slow, I felt like I was always making progress, so this is completely weird, and extremely frustrating (not to mention expensive!)

Any thoughts?

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Nope never goes away and from now on you will only get worse and worse and waste allot of money becoming the shadow of the former flyer you once used to be...............
Of course not, get back in there, fly, have fun, don't focus to much on getting one thing (sit to HD backflip) this will only make you more and more frustrated. Once your rocking it again, maybe try the transition again or try another HD transitions (sit to HD front?) because when you get one nailed the others should come easily.

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I've encountered the same thing, multiple times.

I remember being checked off on front flips to my head, hopping in, transitioning, and promptly slamming my ass into the glass.

Yeah, it sucks.

Try something new. Have you trained 2-way or 4-way VFS? Flown at very slow speeds, i.e. where sit flying is a challenge?

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Give it a break!
I'm not kidding. I experienced the exactly the same a few years ago (when I was a tunnel-junkie like you are now ;) ).
Leave the tunnel alone for a month or so. Then, when you go back again, things you can't do now will be totally easy.

No.1 reason NOT to be an astronaut: ...You can't drink beer at zero gravity...

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