riggerrob 643
You have truly sick sense of humour, even more funny because it is painfully close to the truth!
Your comparison to strippers is painfully close to the truth.
Most of us started skydiving for the same reason we lost our virginity: for our own pleasure.
The we started sharing sex/skydiving with a few close friends.
But in the end we become whores when we do it (sex or skydiving) with strangers for money.
You have truly sick sense of humour, even more funny because it is painfully close to the truth!
Your comparison to strippers is painfully close to the truth.
Most of us started skydiving for the same reason we lost our virginity: for our own pleasure.
The we started sharing sex/skydiving with a few close friends.
But in the end we become whores when we do it (sex or skydiving) with strangers for money.
When I was on my S/L progression, I told one of my instructors I wanted to be a tandem instructor, that was my goal. He told me what it took, I said OK, and made it happen.
I went from jumping at two separate "make a few tandems and a few fun jumps each day" DZ's to a great DZ that has a well-established tandem operation. I won't call it a tandem factory because there is a strong sport-jumping contingent as well, but when you're on staff, you're ON STAFF. You will go all day long.
In the end, two things burned me out: the pace of the work, and the liability. Credit goes to my student operation manager, who let me set the pace of how many tandems I wanted to do when I was in my "try to fix the burnout" phase. But ultimately, it was the liability that did me in. When I was a young buck in my 20's without a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of, I didn't have much to lose. Also, I was naive and thought "hey, they signed a waiver, they know the risks, they won't sue, right?" Now, after over a decade in the sport, I realize what asshats students can be, even (or especially) when the instructor does everything right. I never hurt a student, and I never was involved in a lawsuit, but am more aware that it DOES happen. Now that my wife and I are working HARD to save up for our first home, I have a much stronger awareness of how much could be taken away from me, seemingly on a whim. So, I hung it up.
I still sport jump when I can. I'm starting to remember how much fun this stuff really is.
Elvisio "did my tour of duty" Rodriguez
I went from jumping at two separate "make a few tandems and a few fun jumps each day" DZ's to a great DZ that has a well-established tandem operation. I won't call it a tandem factory because there is a strong sport-jumping contingent as well, but when you're on staff, you're ON STAFF. You will go all day long.
In the end, two things burned me out: the pace of the work, and the liability. Credit goes to my student operation manager, who let me set the pace of how many tandems I wanted to do when I was in my "try to fix the burnout" phase. But ultimately, it was the liability that did me in. When I was a young buck in my 20's without a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of, I didn't have much to lose. Also, I was naive and thought "hey, they signed a waiver, they know the risks, they won't sue, right?" Now, after over a decade in the sport, I realize what asshats students can be, even (or especially) when the instructor does everything right. I never hurt a student, and I never was involved in a lawsuit, but am more aware that it DOES happen. Now that my wife and I are working HARD to save up for our first home, I have a much stronger awareness of how much could be taken away from me, seemingly on a whim. So, I hung it up.
I still sport jump when I can. I'm starting to remember how much fun this stuff really is.
Elvisio "did my tour of duty" Rodriguez
QuoteWe just cant turn down the money, we really love it, or you just cant do anything else because you are a worthless bum and suck at life outside of skydiving.
Can it be all three at once?

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.
fincher 0
it usually is
i'll huff and I'll puff and I'll burn your packing tent down
Ron 10
If I were you, I'd quit and never jump again.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
if YOu try to stop you will feel like you are missing out. We are like the strippers of extreme sports. Try to get out but you will go back for one reason or the other. We just cant turn down the money, we really love it, or you just cant do anything else because you are a worthless bum and suck at life outside of skydiving.

Whatever the reason......it doesnt matter, once a stripper always a stripper.
As one of my friends so gracefully put it "fuck it I need the money"
So my advice is to say "fuck it I need the money", then go ride some fat bitch in on her face. You will laugh on the inside and feel better. just remember to tell her to get her chin up so that she doesnt get dirt in her mouth.
I know that a bunch of people are chomping at the bit to get on here and tell me what a horrible attitude that is, but thats because you are self righteous know it alls that are wound to tight to see that I was joking around.
theres a difference between bitching about your job and joking about it...one is a healthy sign, one is a sign of building burnout. which do you do most???
"ride a fat bitch....save your tailbone"
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