
2nd Tandem reserve in 7 days

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First was simple .... Tension knots on right side wont clear fly's straight but folds under and dives when flared. fly to runway cutaway at 3000 nice landing main landing area everything retrieved in 30 minutes.

Second.. Today... Drogue in toe.... pull main drogue release at 4500 wont extract secondary at 4000 wont extract pull reserve at 3500 wont extract... regroup!!!!!! look oh SHIT Cable housing not reserve handle FUCKING idiot... Reserve handle pulled and cleared 2500..... POP.... Cypres fire saddled out under reserve between 1600 and 1450. ..... land off main runway 100 yards...

See pics of complete cutaway sequence from first and both uncut reserve closing loops of second... Both closing loops are frayed on the top edge slightly possibly from the cutters??? Both reserve loops were installed new by me 2 days prior when assembling tandem rig for service. I always said I would stop jumping if cypres saved my life...I sure think this was too close....

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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Drogue 3 ring double loop was thru the second ring. I stood on both the primary and secondary release handles and could not extract either... Yes I missed it in my pre flight...... I pulled the drogue 3 ring up and called myself looking at it as I do before putting every rig on but I was complacent like looking at your watch then realizing you did not even read the time.....

The rig was a Strong dual hawk

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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I was taught that when we are checking something that we do regularly like a 3-ring or a pin check that it helps to touch it by placing a finger on it. This focuses the attention clearly at what you are doing and takes no longer to check than normal.

As you said its like looking at the watch. Glad your okay. Hope this helps prevent the same thing happening to someone else.
I like my canopy...

...it lets me down.

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I caught one of these by chance 2 min before exit, student had asked what it was and why i pulled his cables(seating them) and noticed it was through the middle ring.
Had wondered if it would have caused a mal or not, now I know.
Quick go around and re-route and went without incident.
Thanks for sharing.
I Am Sofa King We Todd Did!!

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Drogue 3 ring double loop was thru the second ring. I stood on both the primary and secondary release handles and could not extract either... Yes I missed it in my pre flight...... I pulled the drogue 3 ring up and called myself looking at it as I do before putting every rig on but I was complacent like looking at your watch then realizing you did not even read the time.....

The rig was a Strong dual hawk

I catch myself doing that, especially toward the end of a long day. I've closed the flaps then think 'I didn't even "look" at that.' Start over and concentrate what I'm inspecting. I've found a misrouted three ring a time or two.

Also, I don't like going as low as 4,500', especially considering a slow opening can go 1000'. Everyone on my DZ pulls between 5,500 and 6k.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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Drogue 3 ring double loop was thru the second ring. I stood on both the primary and secondary release handles and could not extract either... Yes I missed it in my pre flight...... I pulled the drogue 3 ring up and called myself looking at it as I do before putting every rig on but I was complacent like looking at your watch then realizing you did not even read the time.....

Huh - so the loop was through the second ring only or ring 1 and 2? I've seen a tandem hop & pop I suspect was caused by the same thing...
=========Shaun ==========

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Second ring only... as I look back I checked the cable side to insure 1 and 1 thru each loop but never looked at the front side....I could not budge either drogue release. The pull force must be 200+ pounds because I stood on them both.

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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As a general rule I pull at 5.5K also just happened to have an 8.5 ceiling and took it down to extend FF time.
Not something I like to do and thought about it as I went thru 5.5 ....... Still 4.5 is the hard deck.

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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You are so right and that is what disappoints me the most. My habit has always been look touch feel when doing my pre flight. I even touched both loop ends on the other side but never even turned the riser completely over just a slight glancing look that wasn't even a look at all.

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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We never close the flaps over the drogue release loop until preflight. This helps ensure a complete look at it.

Also, I noted that one of the reserve closing loops had an extremely large loop.

This is not good as you really want the cutter to see only a single finger trapped portion of the loop.

Glad you made it through it all!

Skyworks Parachute Service, LLC

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that was the loop with the most fraying on the top and I spread the loop out when I pulled on it to inspect it. (Notice the bunching at the grommet)That pushed the outside down about .25 of an inch. it was single thru the cutter when closed. We also leave the flap open and the riser up for inspection. Moving to fast and not looking for the mistakes is the biggest danger to every skydiver but especially when doing Tandems.

Thanks for your insight.

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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This is not good as you really want the cutter to see only a single finger trapped portion of the loop.


The Cypres Rigger's guide says:


NOTE: As a general rule, the eye of any reserve loop should be as small as
practicable to prevent the possibility of reserve canopy material becoming
trapped. The diameter of a normal pencil or cigarette is ideal.

I am wondering if, in addition to the canopy concerns documented in the guide, if you have data that says cutters have risk of failure if the cutter does not have the fingertrapped portion in it...

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This is not good as you really want the cutter to see only a single finger trapped portion of the loop.


The Cypres Rigger's guide says:


NOTE: As a general rule, the eye of any reserve loop should be as small as
practicable to prevent the possibility of reserve canopy material becoming
trapped. The diameter of a normal pencil or cigarette is ideal.

I am wondering if, in addition to the canopy concerns documented in the guide, if you have data that says cutters have risk of failure if the cutter does not have the fingertrapped portion in it...

Just out of curiosity...

What does it matter if there is a single, fingertrapped portion, or a double, non-fingertrapped portion (the loop itself)?

In either case, you are making the cutter go through the same amount of material. The only difference is how the material is arranged. In the first case it is a double thickness, in the second it is two single thicknesses.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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Well now that you mention it I chopped the main of the Sunday that did not deploy last Monday. And no it was not the same pack job. new lines on the set 400 tension knots with 255 in the saddle up front.. Tried to clear it but the spin was hard and G's were incredible. I watched the video of the deployment and it looks like the slider stops and stabilizer line attachments are coming down with the slider pushing the lines down with it. once the stabilizer releases and goes up the lines are flopping around below the grommets and wrapped them selves into knots.

By the way I did not pack these malfunctions myself and could use any advice toward helping my packer with Tension knots on set 400 and 366 I also have 1 precision 365 that likes to beat me up on opening. Non of these are too familiar to me so i have limited advice to give him.

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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