
strong cross training requirements

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i did my cross train many years ago, so sorry if i miss anything,or things might have changed since.
you had to get the tandem package from strong enterprises themselfs,that was $125 during my time
you had to have at least 100 tandems done on another system to do the cross train. there was some ground work regarding the system and malfunction procedures.
and i had to do 2 jumps on the gear with an expirienced passanger.
strong have a rule that you have to had a cutaway, if you dont you will need to do an intentional one.
i did the whole lot in a couple of hours with my examiner.
i am a tandem examiner for UPT,but not for strong.
i am not sure what part of the states you are from but there is plenty of strong examiners around. if in florida and zhills area look up bram clement.
also i believe this info is on the strong enterprises website.
hope you get it sorted easy enough
blue skies


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If you look at the latest Strong Tandem Newsletter (Issue 40, November 2011), page 2, you will see the "New T.I.C.C. Cross Over Requirements

Cross-over candidates will attend the classroom lecture and be required to complete TICC jumps according to their experience level.

. Less that 100 tandem jumps: all of Phase I and Phase II jumps

. 100-499 Tandem jumps: Level 1, 3 and 4

. More than 500 Tandem jumps: Levels 1 and 4

For more information you can review the T.I.C.C. Syllabus, Revision N. Feel free to contact us with any questions at tandem@strongparachutes.com"

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