
Tandem jump goes to sh*t...

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Awesome... the FALK is one of the first birds I jumped from! Nice to see her back, ...

for the original video, I sit here with my mouth open and speechless... what the f***..!!! they should ban the TI forever.. my 5 cents as a noob.

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(*) "Whenever you clearly tell me you don't wanna jump and confirm my question if ya really don't wanna do, I will respect your wish - which might take more bravery than actually jump - and stay with you and ride down in the plane with you. The money will be blown, though. That OK with you?"

that was exactly my line from my first jump with a passenger/student to the last one. only two exemption: If we are flying in a 172/182/206 and we have the seat next to the door we have to go, otherwise the next pair can't leave. plus if you are outside the door of a 172/182/206 I won't get us in again and we'll go
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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Yepp, small planes might pose a problem if someone sits next to the door and changes their mind. We had a 206 here last year, but there weren't any issues - should be interesting if 3 tandem pairs are packed in it. OTOH I had to lift the two of us over another "spacious" (to put it politely) TI's leg, so I think it's manageable at least in a 206, but in a 172 or 182...

Folks at Arnstadt were planning on chartering a Beech and TIs talked about how to get out the door and folks who have already jumped from one said that a sitting exit is the most sensible one. I always feel uncomfortable if I see TIs doing dive exits where they can do a posed one - which bears less risks.
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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Is there any way in hell this TI will work again? I mean seriously WTF. Nothing like making the sport look like horrible.

The TI looks very shaken at the end, as he should, I just wonder how many other students have jumped with this guy and a loose harness[:/]

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unfuckingbelievable..... this day and age.

We have had two people fall out of harnesses and that ANY tandem instructor could possibly EVER let that happen or near-happen again is beyond my fucking comprehension.

If this sport is regulated out of existence - it would be due to complete incompetence such as this.....IMO

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The only saving grace is he gets the drogue out. The way it was starting to spin up is very reminiscent of the (Finnish?) fatality that is featured on Strong's Side Spin video, where the laterals weren't tightened sufficiently and the separation between the instructor and student caused them to spin (until impact as they blacked out and there was no AAD fitted).

looking at the 1:00 minute mark it appears that the back strap is hanging down and not even connected, and the TI is carrying her cane

while standing in the door trying to force her to go, you can see the top straps at the connectors are already too loose - found myself yelling at the screen - DON'T JUMP
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Per some FB posts, this happened around a year ago and the manufacturers have pulled the TI's rating (it was also indicated that he never had a USPA TI rating).

Note that I cannot verify the veracity of these statements, but they came from reputable sources, so I'm inclined to trust them.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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FB link, please.

The links are on the pages of my friends, meaning they're likely non-public. So it wouldn't do me much good to send you there.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I am truly amazed that people pull off stunts like these in suehappy america....

Note to all in Cali - waivers won't cover "gross negligence," which is "an extreme departure from the ordinary standard of conduct." While I'm no tandem master, I think that a woman falling ass first out of a harness ON EXIT shows a pretty extreme departure. If something worse had happened, that video...

I feel for the cameraman. I'm thinking that cameraman knew he was watching someone who was going to die. I knew she lived but in watching the video I thought "She's going to die."

I'm GLAD this video is out there.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I am truly amazed that people pull off stunts like these in suehappy america....

Note to all in Cali - waivers won't cover "gross negligence," which is "an extreme departure from the ordinary standard of conduct." While I'm no tandem master, I think that a woman falling ass first out of a harness ON EXIT shows a pretty extreme departure. If something worse had happened, that video...

I feel for the cameraman. I'm thinking that cameraman knew he was watching someone who was going to die. I knew she lived but in watching the video I thought "She's going to die."

I'm GLAD this video is out there.

This is what I was saying in my prior post.The DZ is getting their money regardless at that point, so why even force her out? I don't get it..

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I'm no TM and jump vidiot at a 182 dz mostly, so not familiar with turbine exits. But looking at the exit why is he even trying to exit that way? Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier, logistically, to sit back and have the students body on top of his and then they could put their legs out first and roll out off of their butts? Half the problem looks like her legs are pinned under her and he's trying to force this big mass of her/him/rig to pivot over the top of her legs. All the while dragging his pin covers across the top of the door frame. She might not be fighting because she doesn't want to jump, but rather because he's hurting her legs/knees/hips and she's scared something is gonna snap if he pushes more. All I know is that it scares the shit out of me watching it on video, I can't imagine living it. :S>:(

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looking at the 1:00 minute mark it appears that the back strap is hanging down and not even connected, and the TI is carrying her cane

while standing in the door trying to force her to go, you can see the top straps at the connectors are already too loose - found myself yelling at the screen - DON'T JUMP

Agreed on all counts. A Y-mod only prevents a student from coming out *below* the backstrap, not between the backstrap and the pad. It can't help a backstrap that is below the butt, especially when the legstraps are at the knees (2:21). The uppers are loose, the chest is converted into two bellies...it's just a godawfully adjusted harness that got followed by incredibly horrible decision making and an insane amount of good luck. 3:00 is telling. How she didn't come out at drogue throw or release is amazing.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Any comments?

To the DZO - where's the y-strap mod?

To the TI - how many times does she have to say no?

To the camera guy - you put this on Youtube?

Bingo! We have a winner.

The DZO would be Bill Dause of the Parachute Center in Lodi. The same place that has been fined hundreds of thousands of dollars by the FAA for failing to perform mandatory aircraft inspections and where seat belts in airplanes are there only for appearance.

As for the Y mod, it's tough to pay for stuff like that when you only charge a hundred bucks for a tandem jump.

I'd love to hear some Lodi jumper's opinions on all this and more. I would especially like to hear from the USPA Director who jumps there every weekend!
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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The side spin video, this video fro ma year ago and the PA video from this month should all be added, as well as any others out there.

It is PAST time to get our shit together folks and tighten up!

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Per some FB posts, this happened around a year ago and the manufacturers have pulled the TI's rating (it was also indicated that he never had a USPA TI rating).

Note that I cannot verify the veracity of these statements, but they came from reputable sources, so I'm inclined to trust them.

At what point will someone run Dause and his ilk out of town? And this is the home DZ for the USPA Regional Director for that area. Even though The Parachute Center isn't a USPA DZ, it seems to me that a Director jumping there is a pretty ringing endorsement of the place.

That's as "unfuckingbelievable" as anything else in all of this.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Per some FB posts, this happened around a year ago and the manufacturers have pulled the TI's rating (it was also indicated that he never had a USPA TI rating).

Note that I cannot verify the veracity of these statements, but they came from reputable sources, so I'm inclined to trust them.

I would say this is accurate, when I got my rating my evaluator made specific mention of this incident and how important it was that even turning loads that harnesses will be loose and need to be adjusted before boarding the aircraft. The instructor on this jump was in the 50-75 tandem range and had his ratings pulled from what I was told.

If you want to sling shit at Lodi you have plenty of things to pick from but this was TI negligence, I don't see how this can be blamed on Bill, and as far as equipment, all of Bill's tandem equipment is less than 2 years old, it's the best equipment I've gotten to jump so far in the several places I've worked.

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This whole jump is just FUBAR but she may have not been saying no. I kind of thought it looked like she was having an issue with her legs

My dad made a jump at 85, and the TM peeled his hands off. But Dad told me later that he just didn't have his harness held exactly as the TM had said he wanted it (when you're old, you're not always all that flexible), he wasn't saying no.

But it only took 2 tries to peel him off -- this was way past that, never mind all the other appalling stuff in the video. Yeah, I'm glad it's out there too.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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This whole jump is just FUBAR but she may have not been saying no. I kind of thought it looked like she was having an issue with her legs

My dad made a jump at 85, and the TM peeled his hands off. But Dad told me later that he just didn't have his harness held exactly as the TM had said he wanted it (when you're old, you're not always all that flexible), he wasn't saying no.

But it only took 2 tries to peel him off -- this was way past that, never mind all the other appalling stuff in the video. Yeah, I'm glad it's out there too.

Wendy P.

.... and that could be right Wendy. I guess I thought that the TI could hear that she was saying something. He seemed like he acknowledged something she said but maybe not. Only two people know. I just thought that from the videos I have done with older students. It can be tough but maybe she was saying no... either way they should have never left the door for a plethora of reasons.
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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