
Sign in plane warning students to be hooked up?

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But everyone screws up. Third party checks can help catch those screwups

In my opinion, tandem student's deserve the most 'hand-holding' and over sight of anyone on the plane. They have the least amount of training, and are more-or-less, walking blindly into the situation counting on the instructors to take care of EVERYTHING.

Based on that, the sign is a fine idea. I know that if I'm on the plane when tandems are exiting, I make it point to visually check all four attachment points and that the harness is tight with all straps properly threaded. I have to yet to see anything out of place, but I won't let them go by me without at least taking a look (I don't mean I block them until I have checked the gear, I mean I won't sit there and not look if I have the chance).

When it comes to supervision or over sight of anyone on the plane (or the DZ), the amount they garner is based on their time in the sport (or the DZ). More time = less supervision, and of course, less time = more supervision.

I can't remember the last time I gave a second thought to whatever some of my fellow staff members were doing. After more than a decade of working together, I feel like they have a handle on things.

I also can't remember the last time I didn't take an interest in the gear, dive plan, and exit order of any jumper on the plane with me who has less than 100 jumps.

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+1 TK

Including the student in the last safety check is one of the best things a TI can do in their safety procedure. It makes the student feel safe and shows a measure of professionalism. Our instructors are required to say to the student" ok We are going to do a safety check. Ready? " Then proceed with a verbal safety check.

The safety check is mandatory and including the student is just gravy for them.

Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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The UPT Waiver and accompanying video, along with our Skydiving School waiver, all do a good job of conveying the risk of serious injury or death. I do a good job of conveying procedure to my Tandem Students, at least twice (usually three times) before we exit.

The sign, displayed in what is for many students the most stressful environment in their tandem experience, implies that there have been previous incidents that involved improper hook-up procedures. I would rather not convey that to my students - it's a distraction to their focus on following the procedures I have taught them. I will certainly answer direct questions honestly as I always do; such questions deserve honest answers.

I always offer to let my student check all four attachment points with me when I do it. I WANT them to know they are hooked up to me in four places before we leave the plane, having told them so on the ground in my briefing.
Arrive Safely


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why don't you just stop jumping there then, Peter? It's not like this is the first and only thing they've done that's ever pissed you off, is it? People continuing to frequent the dropzone despite the idiotic rules only encourage them to come up with more....
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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