
minimum requirements for base

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Hi guys/gals
Let me start this post by saying that I am only on 33 jumps (from a plane that is) and my interest in base is purely as a spectator (at this stage anyway). What I would like to hear from you, is your opinions on what the minimum requirements are before somebody should attempt base. I know there are no fixed rules/criteria, but would like to get some feedback/opinions from any base jumpers out there.
Also, what would you say the minimum requirement should be for somebody to jump at bridge day (and is there such a requirement presently)?
I look forward to hearing from the aces of bases.
[drop till you party!]

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Hi Y'all,
Hmmm... Jump No.s for BASE... IMHO it's ZERO!!:S.
My reasoning is that BASE just IS NOT skydiving!! Yeah, the equipment is vaguely similar (like cars are vaguely similar to horses!).
It's not the same sport. It may attract similar people but IT IS DIFFERENT!!
Some people will skydive and never BASE jump. Some will BASE jump & never skydive. Some will do both. The point I make is that the skills required are very different & you aren't required to have car - driving experience before you're allowed to go horseriding (or vice-versa).
Just my $0.02,
Mike D10270.

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Go to Base Logic and read. There are also a lot of links on there that are really good. From what I have read, it is anywhere from 150 to 200 jumps minimum. Canopy control is the biggest reason for that, plus you really have to know how & why a canopy flies and how to use it to save your life.
"I'll jump anything!"

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I have heard of one guy, taking AFF to learn to BASE. He graduated and as far as I know hasnt jumped out of a plane since. I dont know if that is true or not, but I think you would be really hard pressed to find someone to teach you the ropes of BASE without having the qualifications to BASE without a relative degree of safety.
"I'll jump anything!"

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I saw an advertisement for a "first jump base course" in this months Skydining magazine. If you are interested, I will bring the ad in to work with me tomorrow and pass along any information you might want. If i remember correctly, course is conducted in Norway.

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Yeah, several BASE rig manufacturers offer courses. http://www.crmojo.com/ Check these guys out...This company is the cat's ass. They have a course in the states for any of you intersted. There is also a list of prerequisites for the course...
"I'll jump anything!"

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Also, what would you say the minimum requirement should be for somebody to jump at bridge day (and is there such a requirement presently)?

Big cajones and a rig.. If you want to beat the 'biggest cajones of all' record, you need to jump something smaller than (I believe) an Icarus Extreme 79.. Isn't that the canopy that somebody took off the bridge in 2000? I know it was an Extreme, and very small, and I think it was a 79.. Maybe a 74.. Just the pics from that guy's jump are amazing..

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Get your D license first and make sure you can do on heading openings all the time and never have problems with line twists.
You don't want to jump off of a cliff and deploy heading back into the rock face or end up sitting under a bunch of line twists with no heading control.

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