
What to do with old gear

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Mad the mistake of buying some really old gear cause it was cheap. I have since moved on to a modern rig, but am now stuck with a Talon container (built in 1988, a Nimbus 210 and a Raven reserve). The equipment is all in great shape. Since I can't get any money for it (unless I sucker some poor newbie like myself), could it be converted into a BASE rig? I am up to about 300 jumps and am considering trying that out.

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I wouldn't say that you are suckering somebody else if you sell it to another new skydiver cheap. Depending on their size, it might be a good transition rig they can use till they are comfortable with something smaller.
Now if you try to sell it as modern gear for lots of money that's another story.

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Hi JC,
Yeah... if it's in good condition then sell it. The Talon is still a decent container and there's nothing wrong woth a Raven reserve. The main could always be changed for something more modern by the new owner but that is up to them.
The biggie is to be honest in what you're selling and to make sure it's still in a condition to be safe! Apart from that, this is the sort of kit which will fly around newly qualified jumpers for a while 'cos it's stopped depreciating. It actually makes sense for a newly qualified skydiver to get old (BUT SAFE) kit while they're transitioning to somethng they'll settle with. I assume you bought the kit and used it as you got off student status and now you have something hotter. Time to pass it on to the next generation.
Mike D10270.
PS. As for converting it to a BASE Rig, these are now kind of specialised (and the safer for it). If you want to get into BASE, then get a purpose rig AND GET COACHED/TRAINED. BASE isn't skydiving and the skills are different... Similar, but different.

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If the gear is safe, why not try to sell it? Granted, you may not get much for it, but something is better than nothing.. There are lots of jumpers out there that can't afford to drop $4,000 on a brand new, whiz-bang rig.. I'd bet there are a lot of college students out there that would love to be able to buy a cheap, safe, reliable rig..
As long as you are honest with potential buyers regarding what the rig is, and what it is worth, there will be no problem selling it.. As far as converting it to a BASE rig, I can't offer much advice there.. I'd say talk to some VERY experienced BASE jumpers on this issue.. I don't think that a Talon would make a very good BASE rig, but who knows..

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could it be converted into a BASE rig? I am up to about 300 jumps and am considering trying that out.

Hello, I wanted to give you my two pennies on this one.

As far as converting skydiving gear to BASE gear, this practice has pretty much disappeared with the advent of BASE specific gear manufacturers.

There really aren't any skydiving rigs that convert well to BASE rigs. It can be done, but why? There have been several BASE fatalities that were caused by using skydiving equipment.

My advice to you is buy BASE specific equipment. It is designed well, thoroughly tested, and many potential skydiving malfunctions have been designed out of new BASE equipment.

If you want to try BASE, you should lurk the BASE forum, or go to www.baselogic.com where there's loads of answers to the questions you may have.

Stay safe out there! ---Dex

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just bought a rig about the same as that for very cheap... gona throw a newer main init and ue it as a backup rig for possible reserv ride that would put my current modern rig out for a while and also to loan to newer jumpers that don't have gear. as is now though the rig is set up for crw and i might justleave it that way and use it for that.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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