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I am noticing a large number of spam emails that I am receiving to my dropzone.com account. Most of them are pornographic. I know that these are due to my name being sold by dropzone.com since most of those that are received are personalized to other dz.commers like Skymama, Skitzo, etc. So, somehow personal information go mixed up when the list was sold.

I am very disappointed about this since I have been using my dz.com account as my main email account. Any ideas on if this can be rectified?

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You're accusing me falsely. I have never sold and will never sell email addresses. You have your Dropzone.com email address listed on your profile. If you did a search in these forums you'll find posts from me warning people that (as is with the rest of the internet) robots crawl this site and collect email addresses.

If you publish your email address anywhere on the web, the expect to receive a load of spam to it. Simple as that. Did you read the posts about setting up spam filters on your account? I've got Spam Assassin running and you should be able to filter out 95% of that spam.

What research did you do before you assumed I was selling your info? Did you read my privacy policy? Start by typing "spam" into the search box on the forums.
Safe swoops

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Please accept my apology. I guess I didn't think it through to well. I just have never seen so much spam before in my life...especially personalized to others besides myself.

Well, guess I am stuck getting these...I will set up better filters.

Again, Sangrio...sorry...didn't mean to accuse. Guess I should have read through my post before sending it...did seem a little harsh.

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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Here's a setting you can use in your email (advanced filter setting) to redirect the spam...it works for me, check this thread:

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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What about doing something like freshmeat.net does. People enter their e-mail address as normal, but when they are displayed they are translated.

translates to:
some dot dzcommer at dropzone dot com

The drawback is that it won't be effective if the email link is clicky. There are some javescripts that can hide the email addy from the source code, but that obviously won't work if the crawler/harvester is javascript enabled (however I believe most aren't.)

Personally I like to redirect the robots visiting my site to this address:
http://www.snart.com/mailt/mail-list/ :P

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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I have heard the only real way to eliminate spam is to put them into a .CGI/.PL file. For instance, when you see some forms to fill out with your email address, the email it is sent to is usually contained within a file that is NOT searched by the spam bots.

Just my .02.

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