
Jumpsuit prices

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Hi guys
Could you please give me an indication of how much a decent RW jumpsuit is going to cost me? I am talking about an off the shelf suit, not custom tailored, but made of a good durable fabric. I am on 21 jumps, so I am not looking for anything fancy, but something that will last.
If you could give me some ball-park figures (and manufacturers' URLs) it would be much appreciated.

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Prices range from US$150-ish for a basic no frills suit to US$350+ for a full blown competition suit. I think there are a lot of links to jumpsuit manufacturers on this site; that would be a good place to start. If I remember correctly Body Sport, Flite Suit and Michigan all offer a lower cost suit but I'm sure there are other manufacturers that offer them too so look around!
Aren't you in the US right now? Northern Cal? Stop by Flite Suit in Davis. They may be able to hook you up on the spot. If you're in So. Cal, come out to Perris and Elsinore. There's a decent selection of RW suits at the Square One store in Perris and I think the two gear stores in Elsinore also have suits in stock.
pull and flare,

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Thanks Lisa
I will actually be at Skydance this Wednesday thru Saturday (let's hope this storm blows over!), so will probably buy from Flitesuit. My visa is going to be in critical melt-down after this little holiday, I can tell you that much!!!

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I put a post under 'patch jumpsuits' on the other thread for these guys. Not meaning to sound like an ad, but they are good...their suits are a bit higher then I originally intended to pay, but I figure I paid more then that for a wedding dress and prom dresses in high school, and I'll be wearing this way more! LOL! (they are about $190-$250 US dollars on average)
Gotcha Covered

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I was at a "expo" this weekend with several suit manufacturers. Prices range widely depending on name - one company may charge nearly as much for a pair of freefly pants as another charges for a custom built suit. Zute Suit had several reasonably priced options for freefly and RW. (Reasonable priced = under $200 with a couple of options, not every option offered but not off-the-shelf either)
my 2 cents,
Edited by mattb on 3/6/01 10:17 AM.

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the thing that i look for in my gear is value, i opted to purchase a custom pro-comp suit from merlin suits. with all the custom colors and grips along with specially made booties. it cost about $390. i made the more expensive chice because it was built better than any other suit i had looked at. be sure to consider quality in your pricing. look for top grade materials, reenforcement in all the proper places...etc.
blue ones

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I recently bought a Bev Suit for $282 including shipping, rush charges, and all options. Had it within two weeks.
Someone I respect with 25 years of skydiving experience recommended either Tony or Bev. His team recently switched to Bev because of poor service they were getting from Tony after being with him for years. This was after I ordered my suit.
Main reason I chose Bev over Tony was price. With all the extras I needed (to slow me down, etc.) the Bev suit was going to be $100 cheaper. The rush charge for Bev is only $20, and you can get double rush for $40, which is less than what Tony want's for a normal rush job. Bev also seems to have a better turnaround time.

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I think I paid something like $280-$300 USD for my Tony suit (RW). It has grips on the inner leg and booties (pretty much required for RW). I got it made out of slick nylon so it helped my fall rate problem ( I tended to float when I used the student rental suits). I got it in the Speed Racer colors: I.e, white on the legs, blue on top. All I need is to get someone to sew a yellow G on the front left side!
Speed Racer
Brew Skies

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Hi ditch9276,
Do these german guys you're talking about have an English version of their site or are they only for the German speaking market?
Or maybe it's just me that's unable to find the link on the geman page...... If this is the case, will you give me the URL for the English version?

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