
Age In Our Profiles...Again

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I posted this once before, when I first joined DZ.com. Since then I have come to know the population a bit better, and learned the ins and outs of the Forums. And I still feel that age would be a nice addition to our profiles.

I was also thinking about how nice it would be to be able to search the user database for specific traits such as age/location. That way I could do a search and find all the DZ.commers in my state or region, in my age group yadda yadda yadda. As with everything else, it's up to you HH I just think it would be pretty damn cool B|

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Why is age so important? You met me...do I look or act like what you might think a 38 year old would? I don't see the point in it. I'm equally comfortable hanging with someone who is 22 as I am with someone 62. We're all skydivers, that means we're all young at heart anyway! :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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:PNo you don't look or act 38, I know, it's just a number. BUT, it would be nice to be able to find people my age in my area without wasting public forum space. Like everything else in our profiles, we would be able to choose whether or not to reveal age. I guess it's more important to me, as a youngin' (18), to find more people my age in the sport. I get along just fine with everyone, but I have more in common with someone my age, my experience...and my inability to enter a bar :(

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I agree, age would be a valuable adition to profiles.
In my case (I'm54) it is an indicator of all the wonderful things that happen to you when you get old, like slower reaction times, deteriorating eye sight,(like he said) jada, jada, jada. I think it could be a valuable tool when getting or giving help. (for those who would use it)

Can't see any drawbacks,

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Can't see any drawbacks


And for those who are exagerating to the tune of "Oh hey why not add favorite color, pets, Drivers license number" etc etc, seriously, age is a very very basic profile entry, and I'm quite suprised it's not already there.

As someone else mentioned, no DZ.com is not a dating service, but it IS a community, and it would be nice to know...ya know?

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