
Columnar Lists

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Every once in a while I have the need to post data in columns, like this:

Washington D.C... 46.2
Louisiana........ 13.2
Maryland......... 9.4
Mississippi...... 9.2
Nevada........... 8.3
New Mexico....... 8.2
Illinois......... 7.5

The problem, as you can see, is that this forum uses a proportional font, which doesn't assign the same amount of space to each character in a line. The above data, when put in Courier font, has all the numerical data lined up vertically in a nice neat column. However, in the font used here, the state names vary in width, messing up the alignment of the following numerical data.

So, is there a way I can change the font to use a non-proportional variety, to keep my data aligned?

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>What does "pre" stand for?

It also stands for the lengths Sangiro goes to
to make this a good and useful place.

I asked for the same help JohnRich just
did some time back and the next day there
was an email from Sangiro saying that he
had added the "pre" tag.

Like all good hackers he seems to have
forgotten to add it to the documentation
though :-) :-)


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