
Classifieds - include price in detail window

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When looking at a list of Classifieds there is a column for the price.

But when one clicks on a particular ad to bring up a window with all the details, the price is no longer shown. (Unless the seller happened to write it in again.)

So the critical information gets split between two different windows; it is never all in one place. Very awkward when looking at and comparing multiple ads.

Therefore I'd suggest that if there's time & ability to modifiy the code, to repeat the price display in the window used for the details of the ad.

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I totally agree with that one. It really chaps my ass everytime I want to buy gear.

I always repeat the price in my ads so no one has to put up with that.

"Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."

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