
Which one???

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Ok, I am in the market in buying a NEW main. I have jumped a Sabre and like it. But, someone told me that I would probably like a Hornet,,, it is less money, and newer technology. Is the Hornet a better choice, and does the newer tec. really make a diff. in these two canopies??

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Ok, I am in the market in buying a NEW main. I have jumped a Sabre and like it. But, someone told me that I would probably like a Hornet,,, it is less money, and newer technology. Is the Hornet a better choice, and does the newer tec. really make a diff. in these two canopies??

I only have a few jumps on Sabres, and I was really whacked on opening twice.. I ended up buying a Hornet.. Very easy to pack, great openings no matter how I pack it, and good performer.. Flies like a Sabre, but a little snappier in the turns, possibly slightly higher forward speed in full flight.. Good landings, even a bit of a surf at moderate or higher wing loadings.. I got mine from Roy at Rigs-n-Things (www.para-service.com).. Great price and quick delivery times on custom orders as well..

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I have heard good things about a hornet. I have also jumped my sabre a lot. I still don't understand the whole hard opening thing. I have never been slammed. Its true that a hornet is much newer and maybe a little bit more stable. I would say you should test jump them both.
Safe landings,
Alex D-something

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I still don't understand the whole hard opening thing. I have never been slammed.

Hehehehe.... You'll know it when it happens.
I've had nice soft openings and at least 3 where I literally yelled "OW! F@#$%!!!!" I'd hang on the risers just to get my legs off the harnesses for a few seconds because they hurt so much.
Blue Skies!

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I don't have experience with the Sabre, but have friends that have gotten pounded by this canopy.
I have about 60 jumps on a Hornet 190 with an exit weight of about 235 lbs. I love this canopy. I also bought mine from Roy at Rigs-n-things. I have been so spoiled packing this thing. The color coded lines make it very easy. It always opens soft. I PRO pack and don't roll the nose, just tuck it in as they suggest. I have also psycho packed it and about half the time I pack it I get line twists. When others psycho pack for me no twists. Since I've figured out how to bag it with the PRO pack I don't bother with the psycho pack anymore, it already opens slow enough. It turns nicely and has plenty of flare power. The not-so-slippery ZP material is also STRONGER than that slippery stuff PD uses.
I got this canopy brand new, custom ordered in about a month for <$900. I just laugh when I see people trying to sell lesser used canopies for more than this.

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Why is everyone always dissin the sabre!-LOL- Its been my experience at my home dz that sabres CAN open hard, but dont do it often. There must be some major differences in eveeryones packing technique or something. Seems odd to me that so many get slammed yet so many dont, and you usually dont hear a word about the good ones :)_LOL
D.Chisolm C-28534

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Hey cyber, go read my rant at DZSports and then email me some lithium. I need it. ;)
Anyway, I packed one of my slammers, and the other two were packed at the DZ. So you can chalk at least one of those up to crappy packing (i.e. mine). I know for a fact that all the rental Sabres have pockets installed on the sliders to slow the openings down, but I still get bit. We all propack, so I don't think it's technique per se. I just think they're really fussy canopies.
Blue Skies!

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I strongly recommend you don't buy a new Sabre, not so much for the way it opens or flies, but simply because it's now perceived as old technology, and re-sale values are poor.
This will only get worse when the new PD lightly elliptical becomes available. For a new canopy, a Spectre, Sillhouette, or Safire is a much better long-term investment. (Sorry - don't know anything about the Hornet).
The flip side of this, of course, is that used Sabres can be a real bargain. If you get one, I would suggest you get a large or pocket slider, as the slammers do happen. Some put the slammers down to poor packing technique, and there may be some truth in this, but to my mind a canopy shouldn't be that fussy.
Hope this helps,

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