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Newly registered, no information in your profile, and only one post - a negative opinion with no facts to back it up. Do you think people will blindly follow your advice when they have no information other than your negative opinion?

OK so I am asking . . .

-Who are you?
-What is your experience level?
-Why do you not recommend this course?
Arrive Safely


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Were you on the course?
How do we ask you seeing you do not accept private messages?
I also have my personal reservations with this course but would like to hear what your reasons are as i have heard this course has come along way.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I also have my personal reservations with this course but would like to hear what your reasons are as i have heard this course has come along way.

This is what you posted here but in another forum you posted this:

This is a course that i am marketing at the moment for my dropzone,

So which is it ? Oh I see its a different program that you are marketing.

Also please note that this forum is to make suggestions, give feedback and discuss site features.:)

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So which is it ? Oh I see its a different program that you are marketing.

Yes different course, different dropzone, though ours is similar to the Christchurch one but does not offer all the Visas and guaranteed work placement.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Hi, My name is shelley, shell to my friends. Please do not confuse me with shellinsky. I did the course and do not agree this post. I finished the course 2 months ago and am now on camera so that says something doesn't it. any questions regarding the course, feel free to ask me. or go to skydivingnz.com

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I dont know if Scott logs on to this site enough to see this question. I was on the course with him and his experience was zero. He was an active paraglider though.

From what i hear Scott is now somewhere around 7000 jump numbers since the course finished late 2001.

Scott was a good bloke who did not suck up to the directors or anything but he went in their to walk out with a career for himself and his family and it seems he has done exactly what his goals were.

Scott if you read this, sorry i thought you would more than likely not see it.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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