
paragliding forum in "related Sports"

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I second this one, it's something I've been very interested in for quite a while and I would love to have other skydiver's perspective on this related sport. It'd be nice to get a cross-over to paragliding resources and information.


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"Other Canopy Sports" would be an excellent catchall for now.

(Skydiving newbie here, but speaking as a major moderator of a mobile technology forum called BlackBerryForums.com - with experience in the tricky job of naming popular topic areas -- BlackBerryForums.com)

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My limited experience suggests that there already is a decent paragliding site out there, so it may not be worth trying to split the market so to speak.

I only check PG sites very occasionally, as I haven't flow my PG much in recent years. Anyone with more experience might have better opinions.

So what's out there already, that are in the english language?

The best I know of is PARAGLIDING FORUM (www.pgforum.com)
While it isn't as sophisticated as dropzone.com, it uses reasonable software and seems to have a moderate following. I'm not sure of its origins, but the moderators and users seem to be spread out a lot -- not just all USA or all Europe.

Then there's also Kinsley Wong's Big Air sports (http://www.web-partners.com/paragliding/)
It has been around a long time, with what seems to be a decent US following, but the forum format is very simple, crude, and not easy to follow.

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i need to post a new thread on this.

I have about 4 usernames for the other forums, and i want to put it all up here.

Hell, Ill moderate it. (dont fucking laugh)
there is a bunch of PG pilots out there on dropzone, and I know bunch of skiflyers/ground launchers.


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