
suggestion for a search feature

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New to this board and the software it uses but have been using the search feature alot. One thing that I notice this software doesn't have is the ability to return the results of searches by thread. Currently you get every post that has your search terms in it including multiple posts in a single thread. This makes it very hard to read up on previous threads like we newbies should before posting. I don't know if it's a limitation in the software or what but this feature would be very nice.

If i'm wrong and there is a way to return search results by threads please let me know!!


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It IS possible.

Let's say you look for seperate THREADS (and not all posts from all threads) that have a subject "Monkey Fist". What you need to do in order to avoid the 'post clutter' is:

1. Change "Fields to search:" to SUBJECT
2. Enter keyword: "Monkey Fist" -Re:
(using quotation marks searches for the exact phrase)

The -Re: means that the search will ONLY return the first posts in the theards (i.e. whole threads only), and NOT all posts from all threads.


- Searching how you used to (without -Re:): http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=search_results&search_forum=all&search_string=%22monkey+fist%22&search_type=AND&search_fields=s&search_time=&search_user_username=&sb=score&mh=100

- Searching WITH -Re: : http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=search_results&search_forum=all&search_string=%22monkey+fist%22+-re%3A&search_type=AND&search_fields=s&search_time=&search_user_username=&sb=score&mh=100

Both results will contain the SAME amout of info, but the -Re: thing will make it more user friendly to search through and keep track wher you are.

BTW, there USED TO be a hint about the -Re: thing on the search page, it it was removed by HH for some reason. Please bring it back :)

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