
Unrest Amongst the Peasants

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I am not hung-up on, nor think, that it would be good or okay for all forums to be unregulated.

We agree on that. Different strokes for different folks, and everyone should have the freedom to choose a forum that practices the method they prefer.


I do find dissatisifaction that Sangiro and his Moderators see fit to edit, alter, delte, supress posts (speech) of members when they see fit to do so because of their own adgenda and view of how things should be.

I guess this just isn't much of an issue with me, because from my perspective, it hasn't been a problem. I don't think they've ever deleted any of my messages, although I do get a warning from time to time. When I make a rare complaint of an over-the-top personal insult, they respond appropriately. So the moderators seem to manage their duties in a fair manner, from what I see.

Of course, what else goes on behind the scenes involving others, is something I don't and can't know. I can only judge from my own personal dealings with moderators, and that is fair.

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So are you suggesting the forums here should be unmoderated or less moderated or what?

What would your preference be?


I'll have to think on that one, Dave. I'm not sure how to answer it without it being a "Gripe"... which would be deleted per Sangiro's "No Gripe, Gripe Policy."


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I DO understand it...

Thats good.


I just don't LIKE it...

That's fine.


and I don't HAVE TO like it... I just HAVE TO put up with it...

That's correct.


don't LIKE that I can't speak up about it...

That's not true.

Feel free to continue to whine as much as you like...or would you like some "koolaide"?
Safe swoops

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