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The DZ listing here is good for at least two reasons: it's global, so you can find dropzones around the world in one place, and it's not limited to DZs affiliated with national organizations -- listing, for example US DZs not affiliated with USPA.
But it can be wrong or misleading, and one reason seems to be that there's no system in place to try to keep it updated.
This year I've had two dead DZs removed simply by claiming the listing and explaining the situation. In a quick scan of posts here, I saw one from someone who wanted a listing changed, but the original poster had died.
So here's a modest proposal:
Periodically -- at least once a year -- everyone currently listed as responsible for a listing should get a PM asking him/her to review and update it. If there is no response within some reasonable time, either the listing should be pulled, or it should be flagged with a warning that the information may be unreliable.
Judging from info on some DZs I've looked at, I suspect a fair number of people who claim listings either have forgotten about it or are no longer active at the DZ or on dropzone.com. I know some DZs in my area list aircraft or other stuff they no longer have.
A periodic review wouldn't keep people from posting bad information if they wanted to, but at least it would remind them of their responsibility for that information.

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When you claim a listing you need to key in an email address, a while ago emails went out to everyone that had claimed a listing informing them of their need to update the listings. PM's will not work because only a fraction of DZO's and staff actually visit the fourms so a PM may go unchecked for years. If you look at the number of user accounts vs those that have logged into the fourms there are many many more people that just use the site for its articles or classifieds then those that use the fourms.

I like the warning flag idea, but think deleting it if someone fails to respond is just asking for large numbers of DZ's to get accidently removed since someone has the email blocked on accident or something.
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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When you claim a listing you need to key in an email address.

I don't recall being asked this when I (successfully) claimed a DZ listing, and I don't recall ever getting an email about it. I just tried claiming a listing for another DZ and it didn't ask for an email address -- just noted my dz.com name. (But I didn't follow through to see what might happen.)

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