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Yea im new here, and yea, im a student, but that dosent mean anything now. Just had a question..whats up with this board?

No IMG tags so you cant post pictures...

No signatures...

A look from the year 2000

Why havent you ( the owners/operators) updated this site a little?

Something like this, I think its a pretty good looking forum and it works great...

A section for large states or even "west coast" "midwest" and "east coast" Would be VERY nice.

Just some thought...Its too "generic" for such a wild bunch of skydivers...I could put you in touch with some people that could make a nice Vbulletin forum...

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This site runs on a far waider platform then just the fourms. The entire Content Management System that the site uses allows for a single user name to work across the entire site. This is valid for email, classifieds, fourms, and reviews. Vbulletin is not near powerful enough to run those seperate applications also.

The Img tag is disabled on purpose. A long time ago it was enabled but it was found to clutter the site up and slowed down large threads because a single thread would end up having a hundred or more photos in it. That and it was abused like a few other features that this software can do but have since been removed.

This is truely an International site, you've already had replies from Europe to this thread where I'm willing to bet English is a second or even third language to a lot of people on this site. Regional forums were discussed a long time ago but the answer we couldn't come up with was exactly what would the new forum add that is not already there. Lots of people jump across the county during the summer boogie tours so regional just means they have to look in seperate areas all the time. If you want to talk about a specific DZ then the Events and Places to Jump fourm fits that bill nicely. We do not allow politics from DZ's to pollute the forums so take those conversations to the DZ's website if you want to have them.

Signatures are there, you just can't put images in them. They do have a limit on the amount of letters you can put in thm but shy of writing a book it should be enough.

If you notice something on this site you'll see that there are not flashing banners, winking icon, animated avitars, etc on here. This is done on purpose since the owner of the site has decided he'd rather have a smoother more professional site then one that is distracting.

If you have a good arguement for implementing any of your suggestions please fel free to let us know since the owner is always open to suggestions but is not the type to implement technology just for the sake of having it.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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