
Groundlaunching/Speedflying forum

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This was a post I had made over in the Swooping and Canopy Control forum in this thread, but I don't think it was doing much good over there.

Would anyone else besides me like to see a new forum under "related sports" for Groundlaunching/Speedflying? There seems to be a lot of talk about these disciplines here in the swooping and canopy control forum, but I think they are unique enough to warrant a separate forum.

And I know there are other groundlaunching/speedflying forums out there, but I'm referring to here on dz.com so that we can discuss things from a skydiver's perspective.

Not many saw the thread, but Kolla loved the idea and says "Sangiro - pretty pretty please??"

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I too would appreciate such a forum.

This sport/discipline will be bigger than skydiving as a whole in years to come considerng the amount of companies producing gear for the new sport.

It may well entice some more traffic from the paragliding community also, I envision the paragliding speed flyers, taking up skydiving to forfill the ever increasing need for speed in the form of high perfomance approaches.

so I 2nd the motion.
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Yay! Do it! We also need to start talking more with the paragliders as it looks like you need a paraglidin license in most countries to speedfly.
"Bodygolfing" isn't as much fun as it sounds. People get pissed when you don't replace your divets.

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Yay! Do it! We also need to start talking more with the paragliders as it looks like you need a paraglidin license in most countries to speedfly.

Only in 2 that I know of.

+1 for the GL forum.

switzerland for sure!

but we have many "black" flyers.. all good as long as you dont fuck yourself up, or the cops are checking in the landing area.. ;)
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-Hunter S. Thompson
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