email quota size

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Maby the email quota size could be made a little bit larger. I guess at the moment its only a few MB.

I understand back in the day it was expensive to hand out more than a few MB´s of quota for free, but nowadays it isnt nearly as expensive..

I hate cleaning it everyday ...

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3 mb doesn't seem like a whole heck of a lot does it? I think I'm required by law or something to say this, but premier members get 50 mb of email storage. Okay, now that's done, I'll look into upping it some. In return, please realize that DZ has a LOT of registered users and it really does add up quickly. Stay tuned.


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How many people use their dz.com email address? Could you send a blanket email and if its not replied to, then the email portion gets disabled? Then instead of 3mb x all the users, it would be MOREmb x those that use it.

Anyway to disable my dz.com email and give my 3mb to BMFin? No offense, but I just don't use it, and if it would hlep BMFin...

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How many people use their dz.com email address? Could you send a blanket email and if its not replied to, then the email portion gets disabled? Then instead of 3mb x all the users, it would be MOREmb x those that use it.

Anyway to disable my dz.com email and give my 3mb to BMFin? No offense, but I just don't use it, and if it would hlep BMFin...

Weeelllll... probably not, but there might be something else we can do. I have to check on several things first. Might take a while -- sorry for that!

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I spoke with the Gossamer folks and they told me that we're getting sort of close to capacity right now as it is. We're not there yet, but if we upped email quotas to, say, 10 megs, we might be. However, I've got a ticket in to see what it would take for this to happen. We may be able to trim some email fat someplace else.

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I think a purging of accounts that have not been logged in over a certain time period and have never posted to the forums might help here. There are thousands of accounts out there that have not logged into the site in over 2-3 years and have never posted to the site. Could those be removed to free up space on the email servers since the room would not have to be allocated anymore?
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No, what I was envisioning was looking to see all the accounts that have 0 posts, blank profiles and have not logged in for over 3 years. Accounts like that are not part of this community, they were created usually to respond to an ad in the classifieds but since they have not

Out of 79629 members I found over 16500+ accounts that have never logged into the forums and have 0 posts. Each one of those accounts has an email address created for it and they are using space by holding spam and other junk files not to mention any space allocated to them. Deleting even half of those accounts of never active community members could potentially free up a lot of space that could be used by active members of this community.
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SCSI mount drives set up for a hot swappable RAID Array are a bit more expensive, but still less then $1000. The questions is that is it better to keep putting money and resources into increasing the capacity or is it better to correctly allocate the resources already purchased and put that money towards the next upgrade in the future?
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Okay, it's not much, but we're going to double the email quota for all regular users to 6 megs. However, for various reasons, we're not going to purge old accounts. Instead, we're going to install an auto purge that will delete Trash messages and spam when they reach one month old. I'll let you know when it's live.

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