
"Copy Shortcut" feature

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I like this function but its only available if I use IE as my browser.

Both FireFox and Chrome have been upgraded a lot over time and I am hoping someone could check if the "Copy Shortcut" feature will work with them now.

Not being knowing the insides of this forum, I am speculating that a simple check of what browser is being used is the deciding factor on whether or not to display this feature.

Maybe "Copy Shortcut" will work with FireFox and Chrome now.
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Ok, I'm a little late seeing this thread - I don't come to this forum often - but I'm gonna reply anyway!!! :P

There is a Firefox addon called User Agent Switcher. It allows you to change the user agent string to anything you want This lets you trick the web server into thinking you are using a different browser/OS.

If I set it to send an IE user agent string, I see the "Copy Shortcut" link in Firefox, but it doesn't work. The link calls a javascript function which pastes the URL for that post onto the clipboard, so you can paste it elsewhere.

One solution is to write a different version of this function for each browser, assuming that is even possible (I don't do much javascript) - but, there is a simpler way that would work with any browser and any operating system, and is in fact used by many other web forums. Instead of using javascript to post a URL onto the clipboard, just put a link to that post somewhere. The user can then right click, and select "copy link" (or similar; exact text will vary depending on the browser) from the context menu. Many forums have the post number itself as this link - no need to even add a new element to the page layout.

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