
Pullout vs BOC

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I am in the process of getting a new container and was wondering about Pullouts and BOC. I have been jumping BOC but those that have Pull Outs swear by them and say they are safer (especially as far as premature deployments and horseshoes).
Any jumper or rigger out there with an intimate knowledge of both systems that could give the pros and cons of each. Thanks

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You should try a pull-out before you decide. It's a little different if you aren't used to it. Make sure you practice pull on the ground a few times (like real pulls, not PRCPs). It is a harder pull than the throw-out. You may also want to practice dealing with the pud out. Have someone hold it up or at some odd angle, or move it around, while you lay on a creaper. Also, don't hold onto the p/c. You shouldn't with any system, come to think of it.
I love pull-outs, but some people don't. They are becoming more fashionable with freeflyers for some reason (less bridle showing? trend? because they are different?). I think it has safety advantages, but others will argue that. Either system will work well and both are well-proven. It is kind of cool being different, but it can also be a pain if you don't have experienced packers and riggers who understand the system.

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Pull-out kicks ass. I'm BOC right now, but would rather be pud (too cheap/lazy to convert). No worrying about premature deployment due to freefall or snags. However, I'm seriously consider getting into wingsuit flying. I'm going to be trying it out very soon actually. If I end out getting a wingsuit, then I can't use a pud. You've probably heard of the "freefly handle" they have on Wings containers now. It's a throw-out, but the PC is packed in the main container, and the PC handle sticks out like a pud. For freeflying, I'd say just go with a pud.
If I'm going to be both freeflying and skyflying with one rig, then I'm going to get myself a Wings. The bottom corners of the container fit in nicely with a Birdman suit. I also like how Wings keeps the risers covered by just having larger single covers, as opposed to double. They look nice, they're comfy as hell. The reserve PC is also very innovative. It has a very small area that is mesh, where almost all of it is ZP. This causes it to take air in from any direction and "fill up" like a balloon. You could be flailing around on your back when you fire your reserve and it will still get above you. The reserve system is great. It's easy to check the pin, the pin stays covered, and there isn't a lot in the way of the reserve PC. Not quite as good as my Racer/Elite (nothing in the way of the reserve PC, pin is on the other side of the rig), but you can't check the pin on mine once I'm wearing it (no need to). Wings are pricey, but worth it if you got it.
- Macaulay

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fyi -
The Wings pud system can be BOC or pullout. I have a Wings with a pud instead of a hackey. It is a BOC system with the pc stored on the bottom of the container not inside.
-mob (back from the dead and posting after a long layoff)

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