
Icarus Safire II Gen

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Does anyone have any information on when Icarus Safire II Gen with
redesinged brakes supposed to come out ?

When I spoke with the Icarus reps about this they wouldn't give me a firm date, but did say it would be towards the end of the year. You could probably call them and get a more definite answer.

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Does anyone know if it is a totally new canopy, or something that can also be retrofitted to earlier Safires?

From what I heard originally it was a plan to retrofit earlier Safires and modify new Safires with different brake lines but it changed to a new canopy design and may not be retrofitted to earlier Safires. Just gossip though.

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That's basically the story I got from Simon Mundell at Icarus. There'll be more than new brake lines on the Gen II Safire. Slightly better than gossip, but the manufacturers do have a tendency to keep changing their minds. Nothing's certain until it's released.

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