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A reserve pack job is about $40 and if they are worth their ticket they will let you watch the process and ask questions to learn about your gear more indepth. A bottle of the Riggers favorite drink is usally standerd after having to use the reserve.:)The one problem I have is people with hundreds of jumps not knowing how their gear works. Its one thing for a newbie to just trust that it'll work or thats OK since it was like that when I rented the rig. Its another issue altoghter when experienced jumpers have no idea what a Free-Bag is or how a CYPRES works. They just put their blind faith in the gear. Sorry... time to get off my soapbox now...:)Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? :)

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While I dont have my ticket yet( 5 or 6 to go), I've always had people watch me besides the Senior Rigger that was supervisiong me. They are free to ask questions and the Rigger helps me if I'm lost on how to answer the question. I dont mind taking 2 hours on a reserve pack job as long as the person watching learns something.
I have to agree about not likeing to pack in a packing hanger I have other reasons for that then I don't like people asking me questions. I would perfer to pack a reserve in as clean as an environment as possible and a packing hanger in not up there on my list of clean places.
Do I HAVE to do another raft dive??? :)

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Just curious - how much do you tip your rigger for a repack? Thanks!

Honestly, the only time I have 'tipped' a rigger for a re-pack(other than the standard $40 that he charges me for the re-pack) is when he put everything aside and had my reserve re-packed within 2 hours of a reserve ride.. I got to make 5 more jumps that day.. Of course, when you have a reserve ride, your rigger gets to choose the type of premier liquor you buy for him/her..

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A reserve pack job is about $40 and if they are worth their ticket they will let you watch the process and ask questions to learn about your gear more indepth.

When I got my first couple reserve re-packs, I watched the rigger pack it.. I didn't ask a bunch of questions, because I didn't want to distract him while he was packing the thing that may save my life.. After having watched a few re-packs, I pulled my reserve out when it was time for a pack, and packed it up myself.. I handed it to my rigger, and he pulled it out and critiqued my pack job, then I watched him re-pack it again.. I did that a couple times, just to get some practice at packing the reserve since I plan on getting my riggers ticket someday..

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