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That is exactly what Gary did……..land a wing suit at terminal. Anything Jeb does now will second best…..and second is first loser.


Says the guy that doesn't even jump anymore[:/]

Can you be any more bathetic?

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That is exactly what Gary did……..land a wing suit at terminal. Anything Jeb does now will second best…..and second is first loser.


Says the guy that doesn't even jump anymore[:/]

Can you be any more bathetic?
not sure that bathetic is what you really mean :D
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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not sure that bathetic is what you really mean :D

No it is haha. Bathetic, having bathos.

Bathos definition:

I am refering to number 3 in this definition, I guess I could have used the word tritness :D

You're being creative B|

Dictionary.com has an entry for it, BTW.
According to Marriam-Webster it has been used since 1845, heh heh.
Freedictionary refers to it as a blend of pathetic and bathos
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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I was smart enough to last 30 years in the sport……nice try with the grown up words.


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My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I was smart enough to last 30 years in the sport……nice try with the grown up words.


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AAD: No AAD entered.

That's your usual response to people on here when you have nothing else to say. Like my jump numbers, container, home DZ or any other bullshit have one iota to do with what we're discussing here.

But keep at it Sparky, live your life vicarioulsy through those of us on here that actually jump and not just post about "the good old days."

edited: spelling

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those of us on here that actually jump

Your lack of information suggests to me that you don´t jump at all. Why all the secrecy?. Are you embarrassed by your LACK of experience?.

And what were you doing while Sparky was jumping for 30 years?.

I´ll wager that Sparky has more skydiving knowledge and expertise in his little finger than you have in your whole body.

Best you remember if it wasn´t for the Sparkys of the world you wouldn´t be jumping the gear you have today.

Show some respect, and people might regard your opinion with a little more consideration.
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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You're all wrong. Normal rules of probability do not apply to this jumper. Safety margins are his plaything. He cannot die, if he did, he would be unable to edit his bounce video to some cool music and upload it to Vimeo.

FYI - The gun is to shoot him in the head if he survives another no pull, he's heard things can get painful when the guys from Area51 start their vivisection.

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This is the original factory mod to the suit, and how the handles worked in that mod. Perhaps doing away with access altogether is the thought in the instance shown in the OP's question.

Or perhaps the designer should re-think the mod entirely. Fixing a bad design with a bad idea is...well...bad.

Watch the video, it's showing that the reserve handle mod it is a death trap. A fine example of a "great" idea that just doesn't work and could kill someone.

Beyond this it seems to me like it is modifying TSO'd gear and a great illustration of why this it is illegal for unqualified idiots to do so.

Thank goodness zippers never fail either. I mean, once you find and grab the zipper tab your handle is hidden behind you can trust your life 100% to a zipper opening in a fraction of a second in 120 mph wind with fabric flapping away. Nobody has ever had a zipper jam on them!

AMAZING! Some people are determined to find ways to kill themselves.

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Thank goodness zippers never fail either. I mean, once you find and grab the zipper tab your handle is hidden behind you can trust your life 100% to a zipper opening in a fraction of a second in 120 mph wind with fabric flapping away. Nobody has ever had a zipper jam on them!

Do you want to bet your life on that? I have seen jumpsuit zippers jam on several occasions.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Dorbie would never, ever, in a million billion years use sarcasm to make a point.
But I just did. As he did.
So yes, dorbie is saying the same thing as you, that zippers fail.

I realized that after I hit the post key. When you have to much of the Goose things appear different. Sorry. :P:)
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Thank goodness zippers never fail either. I mean, once you find and grab the zipper tab your handle is hidden behind you can trust your life 100% to a zipper opening in a fraction of a second in 120 mph wind with fabric flapping away. Nobody has ever had a zipper jam on them!

Do you want to bet your life on that? I have seen jumpsuit zippers jam on several occasions.


"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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Thank goodness zippers never fail either. I mean, once you find and grab the zipper tab your handle is hidden behind you can trust your life 100% to a zipper opening in a fraction of a second in 120 mph wind with fabric flapping away. Nobody has ever had a zipper jam on them!

Do you want to bet your life on that? I have seen jumpsuit zippers jam on several occasions.



Hey Whoooooosh, its already handled. ;)

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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It's all about the marketing necessity of wringing the last hypothetical ounce of performance out of a design. Enclosing as much of the harness as you can reduces drag, but at what cost? Well, you can no longer access you cutaway and reserve handles in an emergency. Not a consideration for a base rig, but bad news for a standard rig. Maybe that suit shouldn't be used out of an airplane with a standard rig.

I would never bet my life on a zipper working quickly. :|

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Whats the point in hiding handles in the first place ? Does the suit get that much more performance ? looks like":S idiot works" to me...

It reduces your radar signature. ;)


It makes for a smoother crater.

The chicks dig it!
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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