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Hey guys! Has anybody out there jumped a Lotus? Its an airlocked canopy made by Brian Germain (BigAirSportz)...same company that makes the Samurai (and used to make Jedeis)...
for anyone who's curious, the Lotus is like a more docile Samurai...
Anyway, I have a demo coming sometime soon, and I just wondered what comments ya'll might have abuot airlocks, or Brian's canopies in general. I know the Jedei was pretty popular...
The Freak Kitty
I lust for the ultimate rush...

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I did 14 jumps on a Lotus 170 demo this summer with a 1.2 loading.
It opens nice. The Airlocks make it feel different in turbulence. The control range is a little higher that I am use to. It has plenty of flare. Snap turns are not as fast or aggressive as I like, but then again it is an intermediate canopy and Brian said it is not supposed to turn very aggressive.
I look forward to trying a Samurai but I want to downsize to the 150 class canopies first. Brian is nice to deal with and very helpful. Hope this helps.

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I, personally, don't think airlocks are a big deal.. If I like a canopy, and it has airlocks, fine...but I won't buy a canopy just because it has airlocks.. I don't feel there are really any major benefits, but there is one major drawback...packing.. Pack volume is higher and squeezing the air out can be a real bitch..
Here's how I feel about airlocks.. If the weather is bad enough that you feel you need airlocks to be jumping.....DON'T JUMP! If conditions are bad enough to collapse a canopy, chances are they will do some really funky things with an airlocked canopy.. If a canopy collapses, it stops producing lift.....if an airlocked canopy is distorted(because it won't collapse), you could have some unusual angles there causing one side of the canopy to do one thing, the other side do another.....and who knows what the results could do? This is purely theoretical on my part, but I do have a bit of an aerodynamics background, and seems quite feasible..
I can't say anything about the Lotus or Samurai, but I can say this....the Jedei ROCKS! After jumping that thing, I can't imagine that Brian could make a bad canopy.. I've heard nothing but good things about the Lotus and Samurai, and I've jumped the Jedei and sweptwing Jedei - both were awesome..

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The control range is a little higher that I am used to.

What do you mean "higher"? Lighter toggle pressure or harder? What about the flare?
I don't plan on jumping any canopy in weather that is SO bad I would HAVE to have airlocks, but here in Texas anyway (and I don't plan on living anywhere else for a long time) we have "unexpected turbulence" and "thermals" a lot, especially in the summer. You could be flying 2000 feet from the nearest building or tree (not many trees here!) and still get some really bumpy shit! Not every jump, but enough to make you do these things: get used to it, fly in 1/4 to 1/2 brakes and don't panic, and buy a canopy that is very stable in turbulence. My Hornet is very stable in turbulence, I have NO complaints about it. The airlocks DO intrigue me though! I am interested to see what they're like. Its getting colder now, so the air is less bumpy but I should still be able to feel the difference in canopy handling. :)Sis
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What do you mean "higher"?

I think what he means is that the canopy will stall without pulling the toggles down as low as other canopies. Meaning that the power in the flare is more between your head & waist than between your boobies & thighs. I know that the flare on my Sabre finishes out at about my waist, which seems a little high from watching others land, but that's just brake settings.... and I've been told that I need to lengthen mine a bit anyway (it bucks like a bitch in front riser dives). Hell, I could be completely full of shit, but that's what makes sense to me when people have talked about a higher control range.
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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Well, the less I have to flare the better. My canopy truly only stalls below waist level...I finally figured out how to land the damn thing after 60 some jumps on it...I pull the toggles to waist level, then surf over the ground a bit, then right before my feet touch the ground I give it all I've got and pull 'em down further, maybe 2"...I like days where there is wind so I only have to pull 'em waist or higher...call me lazy...or weak, don't know. LOL
Music should trigger some kind of response... - The Chemical Brothers

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By control range being higher, I mean that you do not have to pull the toggles down as far to turn or flare. This also means like Merrick said that the flare and stall point happen without having to pull the toggles as far down. On the demo that I tried, by the time I pulled the toggles past my chest I was way into the flare. I am sure this can be adjusted by lengthening/shorting the control lines to suit your tastes. I thought the Lotus had plenty of flare power. Hope this helps.
Bty, just jumped my new Cobalt today, Sweet! heh

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