
Hornet vs. Sabre 2

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after having jumped both a sabre 2 210 and a hornet 210(that I own) onthe same day in the same weather conditions. and both loaded at about 1.23. I really cant say that I noticed that much of a difference at all. Except the higher price on the PD. I did notice that my hornet plains out from a front riser maneuver faster than the sabre 2 which tends to dive a bit more. but all in all they are very equal. or at least thats what it seamed to me. they day I jumped them (I put 4 jumps on each) was hot and no wind. I would say flare power and turning response are very good and equal.
at least that was my experience with em...hope it helps.
I say go with the pisa...save the dough...
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As Marc stated, they both fly about the same.. I have jumped Hornets at wing loadings from 1.1 to 1.6 or so, and the Sabre2 at loadings of 1.4 to 1.6......they perform the same, when loaded the same, IMO.. The Sabre2 does dive a bit more after front riser maneuvers(very little difference, though), which is a GOOD thing for people that like high performance landings.....it allows you to release the front riser at a higher altitude, and still maintain the speed..
I bought a Sabre2(that I load around 1.5) for my second rig because it was available immediately, and I got a good price on it.. The Hornet is a damn good canopy at an awesome price.....go with it..

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But my question will be, do they *open* the same? Maybe there is just something about my Hornet but the openings are pretty bad these days...That is why I am demoing canopies...I am demoing a Spectre right now and I like it a lot better than my Hornet (not just the openings, but in general)...I have a Sabre2 and a Lotus scheduled as well...
I also think maybe its just my particular Hornet, or maybe its me. Other than the openings, I like the canopy. But I can't go home in pain all the time. And PLEASE don't give me packing tips...I have been down that road.
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But my question will be, do they *open* the same? Maybe there is just something about my Hornet but the openings are pretty bad these days...

I think the Sabre2 opens a little slower than a Hornet packed the same way - but that's not always a good thing, IMO.. The openings on the Sabre2 are a bit slow for my tastes, so I normally quarter the slider, pull the nose way out in front, and I get soft, on heading, 600-700ft openings.. The Sabre2 I jump opened too slow when psycho packed..
To answer your question....the Sabre2 will open about the same as the Hornet - at least the ones that I have jumped.. I have been spanked a few times by Hornets at various loadings, but I think it was more because I didn't allow enough time to slow to a decent speed(after freeflying or a long track) for opening..

I have a Sabre2 and a Lotus scheduled as well...

Cool.. You'll like the Sabre2, and if the Lotus is anything like Brian's Samurai(but lower performance, of course) - you'll love it too.. Unfortunately, I've only got 2 jumps on the Samurai - but I will definitely be doing more in the very near future.. I went over to ZHills to demo one, but after 2 jumps on it noticed that two of the D lines were too worn - so I didn't jump it again.. I've heard great things about the Lotus and Samurai..

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Well, I doubt that my problem is related to my freefall speed, as I make sure to try and slow down well ahead of time (BECAUSE of the openings, I make sure to pay attention)...there may have been a few times that was a factor...I mean, who really knows? If I had video I could rule out body position, speed, blah blah...
I have also questioned the slider (should I try a pocketed one? larger? my current one is pretty big looking to me) and I have also measured my pilot chute ot make sure its not too big (its 28")...
On the story goes...:)Sis
Music should trigger some kind of response... - The Chemical Brothers

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I have also questioned the slider (should I try a pocketed one? larger? my current one is pretty big looking to me) and I have also measured my pilot chute ot make sure its not too big (its 28")...

Well, you COULD use a smaller PC, and it MAY help.....but I doubt that's the main issue.. If the problem got progressively worse, either your packing got progressively worse, you're getting partial line dump(are you using tube stoes? if so, try replacing 'em), or your lines are going out of trim.. Call Roy - he has(or can get) line trim charts for the Hornet.. Have him fax you one.. If you don't think you can measure the lines yourself, have a rigger do it....shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes..
If none of that yields any results, you could try a bigger or pocketed slider, or try psycho-packing it.. Psycho packing tends to tame bad opening canopies, IMO..

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I use regular rubber bands...small ones except on the locking stows. I also doubt my packing is getting worse! LOL
Why on Earth would a canopy go out of trim after less than 100 jumps on it?
Maybe its always been bad and I don't remember...I drink a lot you know...hehe
I would like to learn to psycho pack, but I want someone to show me, not just try and learn from PA's website.
I still think I'm just a FREAK!!
I feel so alive,for the very first time-and I think I can fly! - P.O.D.

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Hey sis...
I know it's a different canopy, but I'm sure you'll agree that the old sabre (mine is the old model but is essentially brand new 100 jumps) ranks up there at the top for hard openings! Anyway, I tried everything with no luck... I had 4 other skydivers try their pack jobs and let them jump my rig and they all got whacked too! I was just about ready to give up on the thing when someone told me to try a pocketed slider... It worked like a charm! Sometimes I can't even tell the damn thing opened!!! It's a pretty long snivel, but I seem to have complete control depending on nose placement and such... Either way, it sure beats leaving the DZ sore as all hell... Check it out before you trade her in...
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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you're getting partial line dump

Mike, that was exactly the problem I had with my Hornet (obviously my fault not the canopy's). Looking back now it is so obvious that that was my problem, but I tried all sorts of tips and tricks with the slider, nose and tail beforehand.
Re. the original post, Riggerob said this on a similar thread :
Buying new : get a Hornet
Buying 2nd hand : get a Sabre
Dunno if there are any 2nd hand Sabre 2's available yet, probably shortly.

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Hmm, Line dump.... Yes, it's all coming back to me through this morphine induced haze....
Creamer's Hornet. Line dump. Hard opening. Pain, yes, PAIN, aarrrgghhh I REMEMBER THE P A I N !!!! Creamer you BA*TARD!!! T H E P A I N !!!
Line dump? What do you expect when your stows look like a lump of knotted spaghetti???
Ahh, Mmm, thankyou Nurse. The haze is comfortable.....reassuring.....no pain........

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