gemstar 0 #1 January 17, 2002 how would a voodoo container with 170 stiletto and 160 pd reserve will look like?i intend to buy one, but i want it to look small and compact. what do you think?thank,Leor Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OmriMon 0 #2 January 17, 2002 hey dewd, nothing to do with the post but anyway, where do u jump?"The longer you freefly - The longer your beard is" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foos 0 #3 January 17, 2002 Yo, I have a V4 with a Cobalt 170 & a PD176RLooks Great, and fits even betterfoos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gemstar 0 #4 January 17, 2002 do you know of anyone that could fit 170 stiletto and 160 pd reserve to a V3 sze Voodoo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
foos 0 #5 January 17, 2002 Not sure about it fitting in the V3It would be a tight fit at bestYou could call RI, but i don't think they would recommend itl8rfoos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
174fps 1 #6 January 17, 2002 I have a V3, with a 150 tempo reserve and 170 spectre main.It fits but tight.The tempo packs small, and the spectre is a 7 cell.You would need to talk to Sandy at RI.Andrew Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alan 1 #7 January 17, 2002 Quotehow would a voodoo container with 170 stiletto and 160 pd reserve will look like?i intend to buy one, but i want it to look small and compact. what do you think?I think that you really need to talk to Sandy at RI. If you are placing more emphasis/priority on how it looks rather than getting a proper fit, then you may be in for disappointment or worse.....trouble. An incorrectly sized reserve/main combination could lead to a poor reserve deployment or none at all. Do you really want to venture into that territory? Mfgr specifications are not arbitrary and they are there for a reason.alan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #8 February 1, 2002 Does everyone like the voodoo??? I'm getting a second rig and just curious..RhinoBlue Skies and Smooth Rides!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #9 February 1, 2002 >Does everyone like the voodoo??? I'm getting a second rig and just curious..I've tried several on and they all seem pretty comfortable on the ground. I test jumped one and it was fine, but I find it's rare to have a rig be uncomfortable in freefall if it feels good on the ground.-bill von Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirils 1 #10 February 1, 2002 Have you looked closely at the quality of the constructionof the Voodoo? Before deciding on that rig, may I suggest a side by side comparision with a Javalin, Mirage or Vector??? Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #11 February 1, 2002 QuoteHave you looked closely at the quality of the construction of the Voodoo?I've never seen an RI product that was poorly built, and I saw quite a few Talon and Telesis containers when I was rigging. They're one of the few container manufacturers that include a written, signed inspection report with the rig when it's shipped out.. and their QC inspectors are riggers too.pull and flare,lisa--What would Scooby Doo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diver123 0 #12 February 1, 2002 Yeah, that's exactly where your priorities should be... How it looks... "pull high! It's lower than you think..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kelly 0 #13 February 1, 2002 I like mine. comfortable. fits my short frame well. Leg straps stay put when im sit flying. Good bridle protection. Good pin protection. Email me, ill give you a lot more details as to why i like mine.. I've been on ambulance calls all night and im too exausted to really think right now..My little corner of the web. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E150 0 #14 February 1, 2002 I really like them. If I were to choose a rig now, Id choose betwen the Voodoo, Atom and Javelin (I just got an Atom). The voodoo seem to be built well, they are sterdy, but nice looking too. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #15 February 1, 2002 I'm sure it doesnt alter the confort / performance / safety of these rigs, but I never like it when you can see the reserve freebag on a rig. Doenst the top of the reserve area have a exposed portion of the freebag? (I'm sure other rigs have that "feature", the Quasar comes to mind, but I'm not 100% sure on the Voodoo).Maybe I'm mistaking (I've never looked very closely at them, I've just noticed several times that some nylon was showing on these rigs... maybe its not the freebag, just a freebag like material)RemsterMuff 914 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E150 0 #16 February 1, 2002 Even on the new ones? I jumped a spaking new on a few weeks back and did not notice that! (I did check the reserve pin etc) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #17 February 1, 2002 thats why i'm asking....RemsterMuff 914 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #18 February 1, 2002 Whether or not you can see free bag at the top of the container depends upon three variables:1. Was the container well designed?2. Is the reserve properly matched to that size of reserve container?3. Was it packed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions?The third variable is the most difficult to control. When I worked at R.I. we occaissionally got rigs returned with complaints about uncomfortable harnesses, difficulty packing, etc. We just repacked them according to the manual and returned them to customers who became happy customers as soon as they tried on their repacked reserves.A common problem was field riggers using loops twice as long as recommended in the manual. One Student Telesis looked like a two-humped camel!I want to add that this problem is not limited to R.I. products. On another thread, (spin testing) manufacturer B has been slandering manufacturer C because they found a few reserves so clumbsily packed that the freebag hung up on reserve container stiffeners. Manufacturer B quietly ignored the fact that those containers would be so ugly and uncomfortable that no self-respecting skydiver would take their reserve to the same rigger for a second repack. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaotik 0 #19 December 23, 2002 hi rigger rob do you pack the main in the voodoo as with any other rig(like a vector) I'm getting my new voodoo next week, and found on a message board something like [you need to stow your lines on top of your D-bag] here is what they say on the [/iThere is one thing about the rig that take some getting used to. The Main D-bag goes in with the lines at the top. This doesn't seem to affect the deployment at all, however the packers may not enjoy this change! Now that I've been jumping and packing it for a few weeks, it's not a big deal.] any difference then in packing a normal rig, where I put the lines in the lower part of the rig(put in the d bag and then turn the bag so the lines are below) or is it my bad english thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canuck 0 #20 December 23, 2002 I'm not rigger rob, but I can answer this question for you. No, you don't need to pack the Voodoo lines up. I think when the Voodoo first came out, RI might have recomended it, but they have since chnaged their minds and said pack the d-bag either way. This is first hand from RI when I got my Voodoo a couple years ago. Most people I know who jump a Voodoo pack it lines down. That said, I do pack mine lines up. I find it easier with the tapered bottom to get the bag and lines in neatly doing it that way, anf get great openings too - although that may have more to do with my totaly sweet Crossfire! Canuck Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaotik 0 #21 January 7, 2003 mama mia - just got my voodoo(which I bought via the dropzone auction site btw) and it's a super deal! As I live in exotic belgium, prices of american reserves are quite high, so I'm looking at a Techno reserve from Parachute de France to put in my V2! I know the 'max ' cu volume is 325, does anyone know what the 'ideal' cubic inch size is for a V2 Reserve? Note that I DO care about the security aspect, but with my 160 LBS I can choose between a Techno 128(1.28 wingload) and a Techno 140(1.17 wingload). I have 150 jumps ,fly a 150 sabre will move to a 135 sabre. I have 0 reserve rides so far Send a mail to PDF on 01/06/03 but the just read and don't answer Send a mail to RI around 12/30/02 - but I guess they are still partying 'Don't postpone till tomorrow, what you can postpone today' - kurtv Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohanW 0 #22 January 7, 2003 has, at the bottom of the page, official pack volumes for Technoes. You should be able to fit in a 155 even. Which might not be a bad idea, etc.Johan. I am. I think. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaotik 0 #23 January 7, 2003 thx Johan I checked out the PDF pages of course but noticed other information on reserve packing also like on okay, an aussie site but rare to find different sizes - maybe the australian cubic inch is different then the american ones? Heared from my rigger that PDF sometimes has problems transforming their information to english standards Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohanW 0 #24 January 7, 2003 Hmm. Interesting. In the bad sense of the word. states Techno 98 115 128 140 155 190 210 (!!!) Pack vol 220 238 263 302 310 385 470 states Techno 98 115 128 140 155 190 240 Pack vol 270 283 302 321 334 379 469 Susp Wt 66 66 74 90 100 113 130 And the PIA Sizing Chart states Techno 98 115 128 140 155 190 240 Pack vol 259 267 267 314 (all pack vols in cubic inches, all susp wts max in kgs) The Owner's Manual confirms the Ozzie data (and invalidates the PdF website data), apart from not mentioning at all the minimum suspended weight mentioned on the Ozzie website. Take your pick.Johan. I am. I think. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpoxon 0 #25 January 8, 2003 Some real world information, my girlfriend has a Techno 128 in her V0 and I have a Techno 155 in my V3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites