eml 0 #1 February 20, 2002 is it safe to say a zero p 7 cell, having more drive than f111, but being 7 cells has the drive similar to a f111- 9 cell? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #2 February 20, 2002 No...you are talking about canopies with way too many differences. 7 Cells tend to open very snivelly. IE Omega, Spectre. 7 Cells tend to have a steeper glide angle and react a little differen't to braking. 9 Cell squares don't snivel AS MUCH. More shallow full flight glide. These are very general observations and can be radically differen't depending on the canopy manufacturer."I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hooknswoop 19 #3 February 20, 2002 "7 Cells tend to open very snivelly"Most reserves are 7 cells, and they don't snivel. Base canopys are 7 cells and definately don't snivel. I wouldn't characterized 7 cells as snively. Some are, some aren't, same as 9 cells.Hook Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #4 February 20, 2002 What decision are you trying to make with this information?RhinoBlue Skies and Smooth Rides!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkydiveMonkey 0 #5 February 20, 2002 But reserves and BASE canopies need to open quickly. Most sport 7 cells will snivel a lot. You are right though. Just depends on what it was made to do. You shouldn't put a knife in the toaster - but you're an adult now !!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #6 February 21, 2002 I have the majority of my jumps on a Triathlon and a Diablo 7 cells.. They DO NOT snivel very often.. You have to SLOW THEM DOWN with packing technique..RhinoBlue Skies and Smooth Rides!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eml 0 #7 February 21, 2002 ok, snivel, no snivel, a pack job controls that. the question was about glide. since a zero p glides better than f111, wouldn't a zero 7 cell glide similar to a f111 9 cell? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hooknswoop 19 #8 February 21, 2002 Sorry, got side tracked :-) back to the question: would an F-111, say a PD-190 glide the same as a 0-P lets say, triatholon 190, all other things being equal? I honestly don't know, but I would put my $$$ on the F-111, 9-Cell outgliding the 0-P 7 Cell. Not very helpful, but it couldn't be that hard to find two people w/ the same size canopys, one an F-111, 9-Cell and the otherr a 0-P, 7-Cell w/ the same wing loading and roughly the same # of jumps on each and fly them end cell to end cell and see which one out-glides the other. Any test-jump volunteers?Hook Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycat 0 #9 February 21, 2002 can't we just hook both canopies up at the same time in your rig? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steve1 5 #10 February 21, 2002 I don't have a great deal of square canopy time. (only about 120 jumps on a square). I normally jump a Falcon 195 (F-111 nine cell). I jumped a friends Triathalon 190 a while back. It seemed very similiar to my Falcon. It seemed about the same dive rate and forward speed. It did have a much nicer flare and landing though. I only made one jump on it. You might want to ask someone with more comparison jumps between the two. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hooknswoop 19 #11 February 21, 2002 I haven't re-packed the reserve from the last time, geez, give me a break :-)Hook Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #12 February 21, 2002 I've jumped the falcon also.. The Triathlon will slow down a bit more.. Get a little better penetration in the wind. Hold up in turbulence better "more solid" It has better low speed capabilities.. From my experience ....RhinoBlue Skies and Smooth Rides!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #13 February 21, 2002 You are discussing two different variables in the same thread.First, new F-111 fabric flies about the same as Zero Porousity fabric. After about 70 jumps (F-111 fabric) openings will soften. After 700 jumps the F-111 canopy becomes a car cover. By 700 jumps, the F-111 canopy will have a steeper glide and less flare power.Secondly, most 9-cells will out-glide most 7-cells.As for the side discussion on openings .... sorry dude, there are far too many different classes of 7-cells to generalize about openings. Specialized 7-cells are built for CReW, BASE, accuracy, reserves and casual skydiving. Opening characteristics vary from snivel to snap depending upon: slider size, line trim, nose design and packing technique. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #14 February 21, 2002 Not really any room to argue on this one.. But my observations on the Triathlon and Diablo are right on..Blue Skies and Smooth Rides!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flow 1 #15 February 25, 2002 QuoteBase canopys are 7 cells and definately don't snivel.Yeah, but look at the slider of Base canopy, that makes a huge difference in the opening.j. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #16 February 25, 2002 >since a zero p glides better than f111, wouldn't a zero 7 cell glide similar to a f111 9 cell?Hard to say. A canopy rigged with a steeper angle of incidence will descend faster, and have a poorer glide ratio, than one with a shallower rig angle. A new F111 will outglide an old F111 of the same type. A ZP will outglide both, although will be similar to new F111. A 9-cell will outglide an otherwise identical 7-cell. An elliptical 7 cell will tend to outglide a square 7-cell, if the aspect ratio is higher(which is usually the case.)-bill von Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites