
New design of Wings cordura BOC pouch...

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Got a new Wings and it's great. One thing I'm not sure about though is the BOC pouch. It's SHORT. It's only about half as long as the bottom of the container. The way it's designed it has sort of a fold in the fabric in the middle and it's sewn so the fabric is bunched up and fills out. So you're supposed to fold your PC real short and fat and stuff it in there. Problem is, it seems like there's not quite enough room in there for it and corners of fabric leak out the opening.
I compared it to the older cordura BOC and it's only 2/3 as long. Anyone have one with this design and how do they feel about it? The gear store is going to have the rigger take a look at it and see what he thinks. May end up sending it back to have a spandex pouch put on.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Although I'm not sure about that one design, I do know that the PC I had on the last rig I was jumping was very large and the BOC was a little smaller then average, so I had to fold the PC in 3rds to get it to fit right. This left the PC in the BOC a little bulkier then usual but I didn't have any problems with it.
Let us know if you find out if this is how it is designed or what you find out, since once I have the money, I'm going to buy a Wings container.
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As main canopies and pilotchutes get smaller and smaller every year, fewer and fewer main pilotchutes have enough bulk to completely fill BOCs. If you look around, you will see that most BOCS are only 2/3 full.
The real question is how well it matches YOUR pilotchute.

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Hi Kevin
I've got the BOC you are referring to. Have made just over 100 jumps on my Wings. What bothered me was that that fold you referred to goes against the direction of the pull - ie it would be easy for the PC fabric to bunch up there. I tried a couple of different methods before I found a way of folding the PC that gave an acceptable (not too hard) pull. Have you considered folding the PC in a different way? I also thought the pouch was really short at first but now am happy with it (and the container as a whole).
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I haven't jumped it yet, but the way they tell you to do it in the manual that came with the container is different then I've seen anyone do it.
-Lay out the pc and S fold the bridle on top of the mesh.
-Fold in half down toward the bridle
-Then fold it down the same way again in half
-Then fold in from the sides until small enough to fit in the pouch.
Makes a very short and fat bundle.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Thanks for the info. Don't want to send it back to be replaced only to have the same problem. Just called Square3 and told them to just leave the way it is. After I jump it a few times, if it's still a problem I'll see what I can do. But I don't want to have to send it back and wait for it. I wanna jump it this weekend, damnit!!!
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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