Opinions on Javelin, Wings, and Infinity

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Since a previous thread started a good discussion, I would like to carry it a bit further. Of Javelin, Wings, and Infinity which container do you like most, and why?
G. Jones
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I think all three are nice containers - well built, comfortable harnesses and clean looks. I think Sunrise (Wings) and Velocity Sports (Infinity) do a great job of taking care of their customers, with Sunpath (Javelin) a close third. From what I've seen lately, you'll get a custom Infinity faster than either of the other two.
I jump an Infinity and I'm very happy with it. :)pull & flare,

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I got my Wings becuase it was recommended by my local dealer, and since ordering I have tried a bunch of others. I like my Wings for its comfort, options, price, and Customer Service. I bought mine for the price and associated features, and love it because of the fit and customer service. I had a couple of non-items with my container/harness SunRise went above and beyond to ensure that I was thoroughly happy with my new rig.
~Captain Cutaway
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I'm going to post the good things.
Javelin: properly sized was very comfortable. the new ones that are made properly seem pretty secure when the main flaps fit tight. they have some really cool options with new materials and a small odysey feels very non restrictive.
Wings: the most comfortable rig I ever jumped and it was a demo. I like the main flap style (like Vector3 and Mirage) but the material seemed soft as opposed to stiff (reserve flap was soft, but it did not want to come out by itself you needed to get your finger under it). The wings looked aerodynamic and all the rigs looked smooth (no lumpy reserve or mains bulging out, I have seen lumpiness on Voodoo, Vector and Mirage)

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I've jumped a Wings and a Javelin and the Wings is more comfortable especially when under canopy. The customer service is outstanding with the Wings. They answered e-mails quickly and bent over backwards to accomodate me. The Wings is a very good container at a very good price. I have no experience with the Infinity.

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I currently own two Javelins, but I really like both the Wings and the newer Infinity containers. The only drawback to the Infinity in my opinion is the inability to order it with a "four ringed" fully articulated harness. Do I really think that makes much of a difference? No. As for the Wings: man, in the tiny sizes that is one sexy little rig. They also make a great student rig. That is what we use at our school.
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I hate to be the negative guy, but I like Wings the least. I think they're aesthetically displeasing, but more importantly, I don't like the way the reserve PC just flops out of the container. When I pop my Mirage the reserve PC goes all the way to bridal stretch then drops to the floor. I prefer to jump a rig with a burble-killer like a Mirage.
On a positive note though, I like the way Wings will make you a rig sized for any reserve and main (as will Mirage).

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Jason... the weak PC was replaced on most newer models. It was the first generation model that suffered from the weak spring. Helping to pack one made last fall... I know that the new PC's have enough strength to pop you good in the chin if you pull the temp pin with out having the pin in....
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imho wings blows javelin out of the water when it comes to customer service, there aren't enough infinitys around my dz for me to speak of any campfire stories on their behalf, although i have jumped one i did not particularly think any bad thoughts, just "boy this isn't as comfortable as my wings."
i've had my wings sent back to sunrise on 2 occasions, once for a resize and once for a repair (damn paramedics!) both times i talked to the friendly customer service reps who wanted to help get me up in the air as bad as i wanted to be. oh and both times were at MINIMAL (so freaking low i don't know if i should post it!) cost! the rig is safe, comfortable, and looks great too.
i've had a few friends buy a wings after hearing my stories, and others have said that they will make sure their next rig is a wings.
i'm hooked for good. i've talked to many veteran jumpers who have aggreed that sunrise service is unparalleled. but in the end it all comes down to personal preference and what you feel safest wearing...

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I have jumped both the Javelin and Infinity. I like my javelin better but it is also a much newer and smaller rig and fits me better. I have jumped a friends infinity a bunch and like it quite a bit. I like the lines better on the javelin and find the infinity a little boxy. They are both great rigs though.
Drewfus McDoofus

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I love my infinity, it's comfortable, has a powerful reserve PC, great pin protection (i can lift the rig up by my main flap), spectacular riser protection, and 0 or near-0 bridle exposure (depending on how much canopy you stuff into the main bag)... it's extremely freefly friendly.
They tend to be a bit longer than Mirages but have a lower profile (doesn't stick as far out from your back).
I've never jumped a javelin or wings, but i know some javelin owners who are converting to wings... plus Wing's marketing girl is a babe ;)
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plus Wing's marketing girl is a babe ;)

Huh, you say what now, what Wings marketing babe? Point me to a source, I've already bought (and enjoy) my Wings, but would like to see the Wings chick anyway.
~Captain Cutaway
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The only drawback to the Infinity in my opinion is the inability to order it with a "four ringed" fully articulated harness.

Stay tuned for that one, Chuck. It is either Andy or Kerri Farrington's new rig that has some new ring system that Kelly is trying out. That is something very cool about Kelly Farrington (owner of Velocity Sports) He is never stagnant. He is always trying to figure out how to make his container better.
Beyond that Infinity's rock anway, I love mine

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I think the Wings is great for FF. No bridle is exposed, pin covers haven't come open once, riser cover tucktabs stay tucked until you don't want them to be, legpads have an easy to tie together loop (although my articulated harness fits so well I don't think I need them). Overall, I think it's awesome
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I got a custom Wings as my first rig and I love it. The look is great and the fit is the best I found. My right riser cover kept opening up in flight, but Heather at Wings took great care of me, and they have my rig right now and are fixing it. I also got the pud handle on my pull-out and I like it very much. No exposed bridle at all, and it has a very positive feel in the hand before I toss that pull out "like a pit-viper on crack"

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I see from your profile you already have an Infinity (or maybe it's the rental gear you're using).

All of the exposed reserve pilot chute rigs can give their owners some grief to keep them pulled down/in place correctly (the riggers also get some grief having to tidy them up, and the owners expect it to be done for free).

I think the Wings and the Jav to a lesser extent cover quite a lot of the reserve 'profile' with the main riser covers (main side flaps). I don't like the implications of that for deploying the reserve with the main still in place. Of course they have tested it, and the freebag gets pulled out starting at the top, but it is a negative in my opinion that the Infinity does not share because the secondary riser covers on the reserve side flaps do not require so much of the reserve profile to be covered up by the main flaps.

I think the most important thing for comfort is to get measured correctly.

I have not jumped anything except an Infinity or its predecessor the Northern Lite II since '88, and I jumped where they are made for 8 years, so I am biased.
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