
ProTracks and Geckos

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I bought a ProTrack a while back which I attached quite easily to the side of my Gath with the cradle and supplied cable ties. I now have a Gecko helmet which as an integral moulding for an audible. However, my ProTrack won't fit snugly into it and I have to wedge it in and hope it doesn't work loose. There is no way the ProTrack will sit against the velcro and even if it did it would mean attaching the other half of the velcro to the display so making it unreadable.
Has anybody else suffered the same problems or has my Gecko just been badly moulded?
Appreciate any ideas for making the ProTrack secure.
Whooooohooooo!!! Hahahaha!!!

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I used to have a gecko, and put my pro-track in the other ear, as it fit in there quite nice. I put one bit of velcro in between the buttons on the pro-track and the other bit on the helmet and it worked really well. The velcro wan't necessary though.
When I grow up, I want to be a post whore

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i have an airgun (czech copy of the mindwarp) and i put my l&b in a little cottonback to which the velcro is sewn. works great, easy to put in and out and you need not glue anything to the pro track.

life is to short for the pimp :)

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I solved the problem by stretching a short length of my GFs knicker elastic across the bottom third of the opening

Also, I get to walk around with my GFs knickers in my pocket and she gets to walk around without any knickers on (nice) :)Far away is close at hand in images of elsewhere.

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