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Can you please tell me the pros and cons about using these on your reserve. PD has made it for the reserve now, and they advertise that they have been tested and proven and that they are up to 6 times stronger then the metal links. I already have them on my main and have had no problems with them and like the clean look and smaller packed space. But what about using these on my reserve,,,,
Lead Follow Or Get The Hell Out Of The Way!!!...

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If they are improperly installed - the results could be..well.....bad. The metal links, I would guess, are more idiot proof to install, but more prone to failure, it would seem. Find a knowledgable and reputable rigger to install the SLinks, and life should be good. :)Don't think I have ever seen anyone here mention a reserve slider coming down so fast that it slipped past the SLink and knocked the reserve toggle loose?

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Yep, Precision is OK with them. I wrote them an e-mail a few weeks ago and Breezy Shaw said "we do approve the use of thetandem/reserve PD Slink on our reserve and/or tandem canopies."
I spoke with my rigger about them and he is not going to put them on my rig. Josh said they are not worth the weight savings. He's the rigger. I said OK.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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I don't think it's really about weight saving...hell, you save less than a pound; not much to get worried over. I just bought a new PD reserve and it came with (reserve) slinks...I asked about it and was told that Slinks are stronger than standard links, so I used 'em. The (reserve) slinks are TSO'd; there shouldn't be a problem. I have personally seen hundreds of jumps on main slinks without incident.
Obviously, use what you are comfortable with...rapide links can definitely be considered "tried and true".

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You're right. It isn't about weight. I do use Slinks on my main. I ask my rigger about putting them on the reserve. He said he did not want to do that. I said OK.
:::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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Slinks can be used with any main (SM) and with PD or Precision reserves (SR). I use them on both mains and reserves on my rigs. They have less bulk, are stronger, and are less prone to failure from overloading, side loading, or over tightening than metal links. My rigger (me) loves them.
CorporateLawyerDave aka BadDog

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I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't pull the slider down on my reserve. Damn noisy thing.

Laugh. I always thought the biggest benefit of Slinks were that you didn't have the metal slider grommets slamming against your metal links, which can cause nicks.

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Yep, and your are forgetting slinks use to change the angle of attack on canopies....I sent my crossfire so they can do the Mod...and It came back with something like 3 inches cut from the A and B lines...so now the front riser pressure is ridicously high..so I was thinking in adding a couple of slinks in the front risers to see what happens...unless you guys talk me out of it...by the way the canopy is for sale $800 takes it...less than 100 jumps it's got two patches on top skin...nice colors....Mod performed...and 139 Sq Ft in size...
colors and pics right here: http://communities.msn.com/FreeFlyFree/shoebox.msnw?albumlist=2
or chack attachment
sorry for the shameless plug heheheh...
Blue Skies
"A Subitánea et Improvísa Morte, Líbera nos, Domine."

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